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Title (3/17/2022) The 17th IEEJ Global Energy Webinar “Shell LNG Outlook 2022”
Speaker, etc. Mr. Steve Hill, Executive Vice President, Energy Marketing, Shell
Publish Date 03/17/2022
Title (3/10/2022) The 4th IEEJ Webinar for the World “Study on the Economics of the Green Hydrogen International Supply Chain”
Speaker, etc. Speakers:
Sichao Kan,Senior Researcher
Yoshiaki Shibata,Group Manager
New and Renewable Energy Group, Electric Power Industry & New and Renewable Energy Unit,IEEJ

Publish Date 03/15/2022
Title (1/27/2022) “Carbon Pricing for NetZero /Utilizing Market Mechanism”
Speaker, etc. MC: Yasuo Tanabe, Managing Director, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation


①Toshiyuki Sakamoto, Board Member, Director, Charge of Climate Change & Energy Efficiency Unit, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

②Andrei Marcu, Executive Director, European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition

③Toshi Arimura, Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, School of Political Science and Economics & Director, Research Institute for Environmental Economics and Management, Waseda University

④Kazunori Takahashi, Deputy General Manager, Sustainability Promotion Division, Hitachi, Ltd.

⑤Daniele Agostini, Head of Energy and Climate Policies, Enel Holding (Italy)

⑥Axel Eggert, Director General, the European Steel Association (EUROFER)

Moderator: Tetsuya Watanabe, Vice President, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry
Publish Date 02/03/2022
Title (11/26/2021) The 16th IEEJ Global Energy Webinar OECD/NEA “The Role of Nuclear Energy in a Net-Zero Future” & “Long-Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants and Decarbonisation Strategies”
Speaker, etc. Speakers:
Ms. Diane Cameron, Head of the Nuclear Technology Development and Economics Division, OECD/NEA
Mr. Antonio Vaya Soler, Nuclear Analyst, OECD/NEA
Ms. Tomoko Murakami, Senior Economist, Manager, Nuclear Energy Group, Strategy Research Unit
Publish Date 11/30/2021
Title (11/18/2021) The 15th IEEJ Global Energy Webinar IEA “Global Hydrogen Review 2021”, “The role of low-carbon fuels in the clean energy transitions of the power sector”
Speaker, etc. Speakers:
Dr. Timur Gul, Head of Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA
Dr. Uwe Remme, Head of Hydrogen and Alternative Fuels Unit,IEA
Dr. Paolo Frankl, Head of Renewable Energy Division, IEA
Publish Date 11/24/2021
Title (11/16/2021) The 3rd IEEJ Webinar for the World “"IEEJ Outlook 2022”
Speaker, etc. Speakers:
Shigeru Suehiro, Manager, Econometric and Statistical Analysis Group,Energy Data and Modelling Center, IEEJ

Yoshikazu Kobayashi, Manager, CCUS Group,
Fossil Energies &International Cooperation Unit, IEEJ
Publish Date 11/24/2021
Title The 21st IEEJ Energy Webinar “Study on the Economics of the Green Hydrogen International Supply Chain”
Speaker, etc. Speaker:
Sichao Kan,Senior Researcher, New and Renewable Energy Group,Electric Power Industry & New and Renewable Energy Unit, IEEJ

Yoshiaki Shibata,Senior Economist, Manager, New and Renewable Energy Group, Electric Power Industry & New and Renewable Energy Unit
Publish Date 11/16/2021
Title (10/27/2021) IEA World Energy Outlook 2021
Speaker, etc. Speaker:
Mr. Tim Gould, Chief Energy Economist, IEA
Publish Date 11/04/2021
Title (8/31/2021) The 2nd IEEJ Webinar for the World “Japan’s challenges for boosting renewable energy”
Speaker, etc. Speaker:
Yoshiaki Shibata
Senior Economist, Manager, New and Renewable Energy Group,
Electric Power Industry & New and Renewable Energy Unit
Publish Date 09/03/2021
Title (7/13/ 2021) The 14th IEEJ Global Energy Webinar “IEA World Energy Investment 2021”, “IEA Gas 2021”
Speaker, etc. Speakers:
Mr. Michael Waldron, Head of Energy Investment Unit, IEA
Mr. Peter Fraser, Head of Division, Gas, Coal and Power Markets, IEA
Publish Date 07/16/2021

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