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157 : 71 - 80

Title (11/27/2020) IEA World Energy Outlook 2020
Speaker, etc. Speakers:
Mr. Tim Gould, Head of Division for Energy Supply Outlooks and Investment, IEA, Ms. Laura Cozzi, Chief Energy Modeller, IEA
Publish Date 12/07/2020
Title Video Release On Demonstration of Blue Ammonia Supply Chain A sustainable path to a hydrogen society and a circular carbon economy
Speaker, etc.
Publish Date 11/18/2020
Title (10/9/2020)Online Workshop Co-hosted by ERIA and IEEJ:‟The Energy Situation in ASEAN Post Covid-19”
Speaker, etc.
Publish Date 10/14/2020
Title (30/9/2020)The 5th IEEJ Global Energy Webinar:“IEA Energy Technology Perspectives 2020(ETP 2020)”
Speaker, etc. Speaker:
Ms. Mechthild Wörsdörfer, Director, Directorate of Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks, IEA
Dr. Timur Gül, Head of Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA
Publish Date 10/08/2020
Title (9/18/2020) 5th IEEJ / APERC Joint International Energy Symposium: Session3 "What can stabilize the Middle East region; Military Power or Soft Power?", Closing Remarks
Speaker, etc. Session3:What can stabilize the Middle East region; Military Power or Soft Power?
~Can Japan’s Soft Power play a role?~

Moderator:Dr. Ken Koyama, Senior Managing Director, Chief Economist, IEEJ

①Prof. Paul Stevens, Distinguished Fellow, EER, Chatham House (RIIA), UK
②Dr. Tatiana Mitrova, Director, Energy Centre, Skolkovo School of Management
③Mr. Nobuo Tanaka, Special Advisor, Sasakawa Peace Foundation

Closing Remark:Dr. Kazutomo Irie, Managing Director, IEEJ; President, APERC
Publish Date 10/05/2020
Title (9/18/2020) 5th IEEJ / APERC Joint International Energy Symposium: Session 2 “Is Hydrocarbon the enemy or ally to Climate Change countermeasures?", Special Session
Speaker, etc. Session 2 “Is Hydrocarbon the enemy or ally to Climate Change countermeasures?
~Unexpected Innovative Value of Fossil Fuels~"

Moderator:Mr. Hiroki Kudo, Board Member, Director, IEEJ

①Mr. Yuji Iida, Deputy Commissioner, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
②Mr. Eric Williams, Senior G20 Advisor, King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Centre (KAPSARC)
③Ms. Mechthild Wörsdörfer, Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks Director, International Energy Agency (IEA)
④Mr. Wim Thomas*, Chief Energy Advisor, Shell Strategy Business environment, Shell International BV

Special Speech:The Energy Policy Situation
Mr. Shin Hosaka, Commissioner, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Publish Date 10/05/2020
Title (9/18/2020) 5th IEEJ / APERC Joint International Energy Symposium:Opening Remarks, Session 1 “Is it possible to fully decarbonize the global supply of energy by 2050?"
Speaker, etc. Opening Remarks: Mr. Masakazu Toyoda, Chairman & CEO, IEEJ

Session 1: “Is it possible to fully decarbonize the global supply of energy by 2050?
~Role of Renewable Energy, Nuclear Energy and Energy Efficiency~"

Moderator: Ms. Yukari Yamashita, Managing Director, Director, IEEJ

①Prof. Roger Pielke, Professor, Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado Boulder, US
②Dr. Kenneth Medlock III, Senior Director, Center for Energy Studies, Rice University's Baker Institute
③Mr. John Kotek, Vice President, Policy & Public Affairs, Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI)
Publish Date 10/05/2020
Title (14/9/2020)The 5th IEEJ Global Energy Webinar:“Unlocking Reductions in the Construction Costs of Nuclear: A Practical Guide for Stakeholders”
Speaker, etc. Speaker:
Dr. Sama Bilbao Y León, Head, Division of Nuclear Technology Development and
Economics (NTE), OECD/NEA
OECD/NEA原子力技術開発経済部 原子力アナリスト
Dr. Michel Berthélemy, Nuclear Energy Analyst, NTE, OECD/NEA
Mr. Antonio Vayá Soler, Nuclear Energy Analyst, NTE, OECD/NEA

Ms. Tomoko Murakami, Senior Economist, Manager, Nuclear Energy Group, Strategy Research Unit, IEEJ
Publish Date 09/18/2020
Title (6/23/2020)The 3rd IEEJ Global Energy Webinar:“IEA World Energy Investment 2020”
Speaker, etc. Speaker: Mr. Tim Gould, Head of Division, Energy Supply and Investment Outlooks, World Energy Outlook, International Energy Agency (IEA)
Publish Date 06/26/2020
Title (6/9/2020)The 1st IEEJ Global Energy Webinar:“COVID-19 Pandemic and the outlook of the oil market and prices”
Speaker, etc. Speaker:Prof. Paul Stevens, Distinguished Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme, Chatham House, UK, Distinguished Fellow of IEEJ
Publish Date 06/11/2020

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