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Title (3/6/2023) The 27th IEEJ Global Energy Webinar "Shell LNG Outlook 2023”
Speaker, etc. Speaker: Mr. Steve Hill, Executive Vice President, Energy Marketing, Shell
Publish Date 03/07/2023
Title (2/27/2023) The 46th IEEJ Energy Webinar " Decarbonizing Asian Economies with Green Hydrogen”
Speaker, etc. Speaker: Hiroko Nakamura, Senior Researcher, New Energy System Group,
Electric Power Industry & New and Renewable Energy Unit, IEEJ
Publish Date 03/02/2023
Title (2/3/2023) The 25th IEEJ Global Energy Webinar "IEA Energy Technology Perspectives 2023/Short-Term Energy Market Outlook”
Speaker, etc. Speakers:
Dr. Timur Gül , Head of the Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA
Mr. Keisuke Sadamori, Director, Energy Markets and Security, IEA
Publish Date 02/07/2023
Title (1/31/2023) The 9th IEEJ Webinar for the World "Global Agenda for G7 Hiroshima Summit ”
Speaker, etc. Speaker: Ken Koyama,Senior Managing Director, Chief Economist, IEEJ
Publish Date 02/07/2023
Title (12/2/2022) “The EU Response to the Energy Crisis”
Speaker, etc. ①Welcome
Jean-Eric Paquet Ambassador of the EU to Japan

② Opening remarks
Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy, European Commission

"The EU’s new energy policy initiatives"
Florian Ermacora, Head of Unit, Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission

"Japan and EU collaboration perspectives on energy"
Ryo Minami, Deputy Commissioner for International affairs, and Director-General for International Policy on Carbon Neutrality at the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

④ Comments from the Japanese side
Kei Shimogori, Senior Researcher, Strategic Research Unit, the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
Norihiko Ishiguro Senior Executive Vice President, NEC Corporation


Moderator: Yasuo Tanabe, Managing Director, Japan side, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation

⑥Closing remarks
Manuel Hubert, Managing Director, EU-side, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Publish Date 12/19/2022
Title (11/15/2022) The 24th IEEJ Global Energy Webinar
"IEA Gas Market Report, Q4-2022”
Speaker, etc. Speaker:
Mr. Jean-Baptiste Dubreuil, Senior Natural Gas Analyst, IEA
Publish Date 11/22/2022
Title (11/11/2022) International Energy Symposium “IEA World Energy Outlook 2022”
Speaker, etc. Speakers:
Ms. Laura Cozzi, Chief Energy Modeller, Head of the Demand Outlook Division, IEA
Mr. Tim Gould, Chief Energy Economist, IEA
Publish Date 11/22/2022
Title (11/10/2022) The 8th IEEJ Webinar for the World "IEEJ Outlook 2023”
Speaker, etc. Speakers: Shigeru Suehiro (IEEJ), Ichiro Kutani (IEEJ)
Publish Date 11/15/2022
Title (11/7/2022) The 23rd IEEJ Global Energy Webinar “European Gas Market Challenges: the 2022-23 winter and beyond”
Speaker, etc. Speaker:Prof. Jonathan Stern (OIES)
Publish Date 11/10/2022
Title (10/27/2022) The 22nd IEEJ Global Energy Webinar "APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook 8th Edition"
Speaker, etc. "APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook 8th Edition"
Speakers:Dr. David Wogan (APERC)、Ms. Reiko Chiyoya (APERC)
Publish Date 11/04/2022

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