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168 : 31 - 40

Title (7/6/2023) The 31st IEEJ Global Energy Webinar " Canada and Japan Natural Partners "
Speaker, etc. Speaker: Mr. Frank Des Rosiers, Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy and Innovation at Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Publish Date 07/11/2023
Title (6/23/2022) International Symposium “Climate Change 2023 Synthesis Report”
Speaker, etc. Speaker: Dr. Hoesung Lee, Chair, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Panelists: Mr. Shinichi Kihara, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

Mr. Hiroyuki Tezuka, Chair, Working Group on Global Environment Strategy, Committee on Environment & Safety, Keidanren, Japan
Publish Date 07/05/2023
Title (05/30/2023)The 30th IEEJ Global Energy Webinar “IEA Global EV Outlook 2023”
Speaker, etc. Speaker:Dr. Elizabeth Connelly, Energy Technology and Transport Analyst, IEA
Publish Date 06/06/2023
Title The 11th IEEJ Webinar for the World “Overview of this year's G7 agreement and its impacts on both Japan and Asian Countries”
Speaker, etc. Speaker : Toshiyuki Sakamoto(IEEJ)
Guest Commentator: Shinichi Kihara (METI)
Publish Date 05/29/2023
Title (4/27/2022) The 8th IEEJ / APERC Joint International Energy Symposium: Session 3 “Energy transition in Asia”, Closing Remarks
Speaker, etc. Session 3 “Energy transition in Asia”
Moderator: Ms. Yukari Yamashita, Managing Director, IEEJ
① Dr. Nuki Utama, Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) 
➁Ms. Jo Evans, Deputy Secretary, Department of Climate Change, Energy,
the Environment and Water, Australia *on-line
③Mr. Izuru Kobayashi, Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan

Closing Remarks: Dr. Kazutomo Irie, President, APERC
Publish Date 05/19/2023
Title (4/27/2023) The 8th IEEJ / APERC Joint International Energy Symposium: Session 2 “Bolstering supplies of critical materials for decarbonization technologies”
Speaker, etc. Moderator: Mr. Glen Sweetnam, Senior Vice President, APERC
①Mr. Toru Muta, Senior Energy Analyst, Energy Supply and Investment Outlook Division, International Energy Agency (IEA)
➁Mr. Takeshi Harada, Director, Research Division, Metals Strategy Department,
Metals Unit, Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security(JOGMEC), Japan
③Dr. Michelle Foss, Fellow in Energy, Minerals and Materials, Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy, USA
Publish Date 05/19/2023
Title (4/27/2023) The 8th IEEJ / APERC Joint International Energy Symposium: Opening Remarks、Session 1 “Smooth and orderly energy transition policies in the context of optimum use of fossil fuels”
Speaker, etc. Opening Remarks: Mr. Tatsuya Terazawa, Chairman & CEO, IEEJ

Session 1 “Smooth and orderly energy transition policies in the context of optimum use of fossil fuels”
Moderator: Dr. Ken Koyama, Senior Managing Director and Chief Economist, IEEJ
①Mr. Fahad Alajlan, President, King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC) , Saudi Arabia
②Dr. Kenneth Medlock III, Senior Director, Center for Energy Studies, Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy, USA
④ Prof. Jonathan Stern, Distinguished Research Fellow, Gas Research Programme,
The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES)
Publish Date 05/19/2023
Title (3/29/2023) The 10th IEEJ Webinar for the World "Decarbonizing Asian Economies with Green Hydrogen”
Speaker, etc. Speaker: Hiroko Nakamura (IEEJ)
Publish Date 04/04/2023
Title (2/21/2023) ERIA-IEEJ Workshop on 'Global Principles and Practices of Nuclear Regulatory Framework'
Speaker, etc. Speakers:
Mr. William Magwood, Director-General, OECD/ Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)
Mr. Ramzi Jammal, Executive Vice-President and Chief Regulatory Operations Officer, Regulatory Operations Branch, Canadian Nucler Safety Commission Canada
Mr. Robert Campbell, Former Senior Nuclear Safety Regulator, Office for Nuclear Regulation, UK
Dr. Venkatachalam Anbumozhi, Director of Research Strategy and Innovation, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)
Publish Date 03/30/2023
Title (3/9/2023) The 28th IEEJ Global Energy Webinar "IEA Electricity Market Report 2023"
Speaker, etc. Speaker: Dr. Eren Cam, Energy Analyst, International Energy Agency (IEA)
Publish Date 03/14/2023

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