IEEJ Podcast

Energy Expertの視点

日本エネルギー経済研究所のEnergy Expert である研究員が国内外のエネルギー・気候変動問題等に関して、客観的分析、将来予測、現実的な解決策などを独自の視点から鋭く提言する番組です。

小山 堅(専務理事 首席研究員)

小山 堅

Mapping the Energy Future

This podcast aims not only to identify the global challenges including energy security, energy affordability, and climate change but also to share with listeners our pragmatic solutions to those.

Kana Sato
Senior Researcher, JIME Center

Kana Sato



トランプ政権の発足は中東情勢にも影響を与えています。ガザ情勢をめぐっても、イラン情勢をめぐっても、トランプ大統領はすでに「ディール」に向けた独自の提案を行っており、その行方が注目されています。今回は中東研究センター 坂梨祥 研究理事が「トランプ政権の中東情勢への影響」をテーマにお話します。

再生時間:09 :34

February 17, 2025

Energy discussions in Davos

This episode is talking about “Energy discussions in Davos”. Mr. Terazawa will share the discussions in Davos, to which he was invited during the week of January 20th. There were so many discussions in Davos that he can only cover mostly energy related topics. These are solely his takeaways from Davos, and he is quite sure that some of you who attended may have different views.






February 6, 2025

Japan’s 7th Strategic Energy Plan

This episode is talking about “Japan’s 7th Strategic Energy Plan”. The draft for Japan’s 7th Strategic Energy Plan (the Plan) has been approved by the government policy committee of which Mr. Terazawa is a member. The Plan will be put to a public comment process and is expected to be decided by the Cabinet in February. Mr. Terazawa will share an overview of the Plan.



脱炭素社会に求められるSense of Ownership(当事者意識)とDIY精神

脱炭素はエネルギー安全保障や国内産業、更には一般市民にも大きな影響を与え、非常に複雑で、最善の解は存在しない。どのような将来像が好ましいかは、一般市民が当事者意識と自立心を持った上で市民会議のような場で議論することも必要かもしれない。今回はクリーンエネルギーユニット 柴田 善朗 研究理事が「脱炭素社会に求められるSense of Ownership(当事者意識)とDIY精神」をテーマにお話します。


December 26, 2024

Are BEVs the only path to decarbonize the passenger vehicle sector?

This episode is talking about “Are BEVs the only path to decarbonize the passenger vehicle sector?”. In many countries Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) are considered the only powertrain toward the pathway for decarbonizing the passenger vehicle sector. But the choice of the powertrain must be determined based on a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) basis considering GHG emissions region-by-region. This analysis presents a very different picture for the future of passenger vehicles.
