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168 : 51 - 60

Title The 7th IEEJ Webinar for the World "LNG market and its outlook" and "Challenges for boosting renewables under soaring energy prices”
Speaker, etc. Speakers: Hiroshi Hashimoto(IEEJ)、Yasushi Ninomiya (IEEJ)
Publish Date 10/11/2022
Title International Energy Symposium (2022.09.27)
Speaker, etc. Speaker: Dr. Fatih Birol, Executive Director, IEA

Moderator:Dr. Ken Koyama (IEEJ)

Prof. Jun Arima (GraSPP) , Mr. Jun Nishizawa (Mitsubishi Corporation), Mr. Keisuke Sadamori (IEA)
Publish Date 10/05/2022
Title The 37th IEEJ Energy Webinar “Corporate Procurement of Renewable Electricity in Japan”
Speaker, etc. Speaker: Sichao Kan (IEEJ)

Mr. Hiroki Kudo (IEEJ)

Mr.Toshiyuki Koinuma(METI), Ms. Mari Yoshitaka (Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co.,Ltd.), Mr. Takao Sugiyama (Amazon Japan), Mr. Yusuke Kawasaki (Renewable Energy Association for Sustainable Power supply)
Publish Date 09/21/2022
Title The 21st IEEJ Global Energy Webinar "The prospects and challenges for Euro-Russia energy conflicts after the military invasion to Ukraine"
Speaker, etc. Speaker: Dr. Tatiana Mitrova, Research Fellow, Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University, SIPA
Publish Date 09/06/2022
Title (7/5/2022)The 6th IEEJ Webinar for the World “Overview of this year’s G7 agreement and its implications for Japan and Asia”
Speaker, etc. Speakers:Toshiyuki Sakamoto(IEEJ)、Jun Arima (GRASPP)
Publish Date 07/12/2022
Title (5/31/2022) The 5th IEEJ Webinar for the World ” Carbon Neutrality Roadmap of ASEAN countries ”
Speaker, etc. Speakers:Soichi Morimoto(IEEJ), Yuji Mizuno(IEEJ)
Guest Commentator: Mr. Tim Gould(IEA)
Publish Date 06/02/2022
Title (5/25/2022) The 18th IEEJ Global Energy Webinar ”Reducing Methane Emissions from Global Gas”
Speaker, etc. Speaker:Mr. Ben Cahill, Senior Fellow, Energy Security and Climate Change Program Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Publish Date 05/26/2022
Title (4/28/2022) The 7th IEEJ / APERC Joint International Energy Symposium: Session 3 “Stabilization of energy prices and supply/demand balance during the transition period to carbon neutrality”, Closing Remarks
Speaker, etc. Session 3 “Stabilization of energy prices and supply/demand balance during the transition period to carbon neutrality”
Moderator:Dr. Ken Koyama, Senior Managing Director, Chief Economist, IEEJ

①Prof. Jonathan Stern*, Distinguished Research Fellow, Natural Gas Research Programme The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES), UK
②Dr. Kenneth Medlock III*, Senior Director, Center for Energy Studies, Rice University's Baker Institute
③Mr. Keisuke Sadamori, Director of Energy Markets and Security, International Energy Agency (IEA)

Closing Remarks: Dr. Kazutomo Irie, President, APERC
Publish Date 05/09/2022
Title (4/28/2022) The 7th IEEJ / APERC Joint International Energy Symposium: Special Speech, Session 2 “Asian developing countries’ pathways to carbon neutrality”
Speaker, etc. Mr. Shin Hosaka, Commissioner, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

Session2 “Asian developing countries’ pathways to carbon neutrality”
Moderator: Ms. Yukari Yamashita, Managing Director, Director, IEEJ

①Dr. Han Phoumin, Senior Energy Economist, Research Department, Energy Unit, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia(ERIA)
②Dr. Leena Srivastava, Deputy Director General for Science, Directorate, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
③Dr. Dina Azhgaliyeva, Research Fellow, Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)
Publish Date 05/09/2022
Title (4/28/2022) The 7th IEEJ / APERC Joint International Energy Symposium: Opening Remarks、Session 1 “Decarbonization technology development and commercialization leading to carbon neutrality”
Speaker, etc. Opening Remarks: Mr. Tatsuya Terazawa, Chairman & CEO, IEEJ

Session 1 “Decarbonization technology development and commercialization leading to carbon neutrality”
Moderator: Mr.Toshiyuki Sakamoto, Board Member, Director, IEEJ
①Dr. Shigeru Niki, Director General, Sustainable Energy Unit, Technology Strategy Center (TSC) , New Energy and Technology Development Organization (NEDO) Japan
②Mr. John Kotek, Senior Vice President, Policy Development & Public Affairs, Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) , USA
③Mr. Yoshikazu Kobayashi, Senior Economist, Manager, CCUS Group, Fossil Energies & International Cooperation Unit
Publish Date 05/09/2022

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