(4/27/2023) The 8th IEEJ / APERC Joint International Energy Symposium: Session 2 “Bolstering supplies of critical materials for decarbonization technologies”

Speaker, etc. Moderator: Mr. Glen Sweetnam, Senior Vice President, APERC
①Mr. Toru Muta, Senior Energy Analyst, Energy Supply and Investment Outlook Division, International Energy Agency (IEA)
➁Mr. Takeshi Harada, Director, Research Division, Metals Strategy Department,
Metals Unit, Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security(JOGMEC), Japan
③Dr. Michelle Foss, Fellow in Energy, Minerals and Materials, Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy, USA
Description Mr.Toru Muta PPT
Mr.Takeshi Harada PPT
Dr. Michelle Foss PPT

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Publish Date 05/19/2023