(3/4/2021)The 8th IEEJ Global Energy Webinar: “Projected Costs of Generating Electricity: 2020 Edition”, “Power generation cost by technology: A Japanese perspective”

Speaker, etc. Speakers:
“Projected Costs of Generating Electricity: 2020 Edition”
Prof.Jan Horst Keppler, Senior Economic Advisor, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency,
Dr. Stefan Lorenczik, Electricity Markets Analyst, IEA

“Power generation cost by technology: A Japanese perspective”
Dr. Yuji Matsuo, Senior Economist, Manager, Energy and Economic Analysis Group (EEA), Energy Data and Modelling Center (EDMC)

Moderator: Ms. Tomoko Murakami, Senior Economist, Manager, Nuclear Energy Group, Strategy Research Unit
Description This video is recorded in the original language.

Presentation Materials

②Presentation by Prof.Keppler, Dr. Lorenczik:01:36~41:13
③Presentation by Yuji Matsuo:41:14~01:01:41
④Panel Discussion, Q&A:01:01:42~01:28:52

Publish Date 03/10/2021
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