
1357 : 1281 - 1300

2014.02.04 4th IEA-IEF-OPEC Symposium: A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (157)
Author: Ken Koyama
2014.01.30 Economic and Energy Outlook of Japan for FY2014 —Japan is reaching a crucial moment—
Author: YANAGISAWA Akira, T. Yoshioka, H. Suzuki, Choi J. W., R. Ikarii, S. Iwata, Y. Shibata and K. Ito
2014.01.29 Asian Oil Security: A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (156)
Author: Ken Koyama
2014.01.27 IEEJ e-NEWSLETTER No.30
Author: IEEJ
2014.01.21 Challenges for Global Energy Governance: A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (155)
Author: Ken Koyama
2014.01.20 IEEJ e-NEWSLETTER No.29
Author: IEEJ
2014.01.15 Coal Trends No.15 -Trends in coal supply, demand and prices as seen from statistics- Reading this year’s changes and trends from the record of exports and imports for the period from January to September
Author: Koji Morita
2014.01.14 A Review of the 2013 Japanese and Overseas Energy Situation: A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (154)
Author: Ken Koyama
2014.01.14 Significance of the Potential Medium-term Oil Supply Expansion: A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (153)
Author: Ken Koyama
2014.01.10 Asia/World Energy Outlook 2013
Author: Yuji Matsuo, Akira Yanagisawa, EDMC
2013.12.25 High Crude Oil Prices and U.S. Shale Oil Output Expansion: A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (152)
Author: Ken Koyama
2013.12.20 Economic and Energy Outlook of Japan for FY2014 —Japan is reaching a crucial moment—
Author: EDMC
2013.12.19 IEEJ e-NEWSLETTER No.28
Author: IEEJ
2013.12.13 China will soon become the largest net oil importer and will spend the most for its net fossil fuel imports
—China expands energy imports and Japan increases energy importing burden—

Author: Akira YANAGISAWA
2013.12.13 A different view to fiscal break-even oil prices
Author: Akira YANAGISAWA
2013.12.11 IEEJ e-NEWSLETTER No.27
Author: IEEJ
2013.12.05 The Economic Impact of the Introduction of Hydrogen into Japan’s Energy System Towards 2050
Author: Yasuaki Kawakami, Yuhji Matsuo, Masayuki Kako, Toshiaki Hachiuma, Akira Yanagisawa
2013.12.05 Historical Trends in Japan’s Long-Term Power Generation Costs by Source: Assessed by Using Corporate Financial Statements
Author: Yuji Matsuo, Yuji Yamaguchi, Tomoko Murakami
2013.12.02 IEA “World Energy Outlook 2013”
2013.11.26 Asia/World Energy Outlook 2013 -Analyzing Changes Induced by the Shale Revolution-(Presentation material, Reference Material, Annex)
Author: Yuji Matsuo, Akira Yanagisawa, EDMC