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318 : 91 - 100

Title Video:OECD/NEA “The Role of Nuclear Energy in a Net-Zero Future” & “Long-term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants and Decarbonisation Strategies”
Publish IEEJ Energy Seminar (11/26/2021), HP (11/26/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment, Nuclear Power Generation
Title The Role of Nuclear Energy in a Net-Zero Future (Presentation Materials)
Author Diane Cameron(OECD, NEA)
Publish IEEJ Energy Seminar (11/26/2021), HP (11/26/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment, Nuclear Power Generation
Title Long-term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants and Decarbonisation Strategies (Presentation Materials)
Author Antonio Vaya Soler(OECD, NEA)
Publish IEEJ Energy Seminar (11/26/2021), HP (11/26/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment, Nuclear Power Generation
Title Carbon Neutrality in 2050 and the LTO of Nuclear Power Plants-Status and Challenges in Japan- (Presentation Materials)
Author Tomoko Murakami(IEEJ)
Publish IEEJ Energy Seminar (11/26/2021), HP (11/26/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment, Nuclear Power Generation
Title OECD/NEA “The Role of Nuclear Energy in a Net-Zero Future” & “Long-term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants and Decarbonisation Strategies” (Presentation Materials)
Publish IEEJ Energy Seminar (11/26/2021), HP (11/26/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment, Nuclear Power Generation
Title COP26 Closed with “Glasgow Climate Pact” Adopted:A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (559)
Author Ken Koyama
Category Energy General, Environment
Title Carbon Neutrality Trends in Major Economies -How Do They Realize Carbon Neutrality?- (Summary)
Author Takahiko Tagami
Publish Forum on Research Works (7/27/2021), HP (11/16/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment
Title Carbon Pricing Trends in Japan and Other Countries -Can Carbon Pricing be Contribute to Economic Growth?-
Author Toru Shimizu
Publish Forum on Research Works (7/27/2021), HP (11/16/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment
Title The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism:Collaboration or Confrontation?
Author Miki Yanagi
Publish Forum on Research Works (7/27/2021), HP (11/16/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment
Title Update on the Decarbonization of Fossil Fuel Utilization
Can we achieve the dual goals of stable supply and emission reduction
Author Yoshikazu Kobayashi
Publish Forum on Research Works (7/27/2021), HP (11/16/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment