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171 : 71 - 80

Title Japan’s LNG Demand in FY2018: Impact of Economic Growth and Nuclear Plants’ Restart: A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (336)
Author Ken Koyama
Category Energy General, Natural Gas, Nuclear Power Generation, Supply and Demand Outlook
Title The Future of Nuclear in French and European Energy Policy and Strategy
Author Jean Pierre Favennec (IFP School)
Publish IEEJ Energy Seminar (5/24/2017), HP (6/14/2017)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Title Can Nuclear Safety Culture Be Used To Increase Public Acceptance of Nuclear Power?
Author Gerry Thomas(Imperial College London, UK)
Publish シンポジウム (5/18/2017), HP (6/6/2017)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Title Nuclear and Renewables in Global Electricity
Author Wim Thomas(Shell International, Netherlands)
Publish シンポジウム (5/18/2017), HP (6/6/2017)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Title Institutional Strength in Depth
Author Richard A. Meserve (NRRC)
Publish Symposium (2/23/2017), HP (3/17/2017)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Title Risk-Informed Decision Making and Stakeholders
Author George Apostolakis (NRRC)
Publish Symposium (2/23/2017), HP (3/17/2017)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Title Workshop on Nuclear Energy and Safety – Building a robust system involving all stakeholders for continuous improvements in nuclear safety – (Presentation Materials)
Publish Symposium (2/23/2017), HP (3/17/2017)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Title Global Warming Measures and Nuclear Energy’s Roles
Author Tsutomu Toichi
Category Energy General, Environment, Nuclear Power Generation, Article on Papers & Magazines
Title Nuclear power generation, 2017: Outlook and Issues (Executive Summary)
Author Tomoko MURAKAMI
Publish Forum on Research Works (12/22/2016), HP (2/2/2017)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Title Risk-Informed Decision Making and Nuclear Power
Author George Apostolakis(NRRC)
Publish IEEJ Energy Seminar (9/27/2016), HP (10/24/2016)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation