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3411 : 31 - 40

Title “IEA Integrating Solar and Wind: Global experience and emerging challenges”(Presentation materials)
Publish IEEJ Energy Seminar (10/7/2024), HP (10/7/2024)
Category Energy General, New / Renewable Energy
Title Participation in Shale Insight 2024: A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (708)
Author Ken Koyama
Publish HP (10/7/2024)
Category Energy General, Supply and Demand Outlook
Title Video: “ Direction that Japan’s carbon pricing should aim for -- referring to examples from the EU and California ”
Publish HP (10/3/2024)
Category Energy General, Environment
Title LNG Review September 2024
Author Hiroshi Hashimoto
Category Energy General, Natural Gas
Title Future Energy Landscape - Global Energy Agenda -Notable Issues in LNG Transportation in 2024
Author Hiroshi Hashimoto
Publish HP (10/1/2024)
Category Energy General, Natural Gas
Title Video:“The Challenges for Global Energy Security and Climate Change”
Publish IEEJ Energy Seminar (9/27/2024), HP (9/27/2024)
Category Energy General, Environment
Title Notable Points of the International Symposium in Tokyo on Global Energy Situation: A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (707)
Author Ken Koyama
Publish HP (9/27/2024)
Category Energy General, Supply and Demand Outlook
Title Discussions in Europe on the International Energy Situation: A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (706)
Author Ken Koyama
Publish HP (9/25/2024)
Category Energy General, Petroleum, Supply and Demand Outlook
Title IEEJ Energy Journal Vol.19, No.3
Author IEEJ
Category Energy General
Title Average Brent Price at $82.89/bbl for January-August 2024, Up $2.25/bbl: A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (705)
Author Ken Koyama
Publish HP (9/12/2024)
Category Energy General, Petroleum, Supply and Demand Outlook