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318 : 131 - 140

Title Is It Possible to Achieve Global-Scale Net-Zero Emissions by 2050?
Author Mitsutsune Yamaguchi
Publish エネルギー経済 (2/1/2021), HP (3/1/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment
Title What is Energy in the Age of Zero Emissions?
Author Yukari Yamashita
Publish エネルギー経済 (2/1/2021), HP (3/1/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment
Title Is Hydrocarbon the Enemy or Ally to Climate Change Countermeasures? -What Should We Consider When Measures to Achieve Zero Emission Status are Key Factors?-
Author Hiroki Kudo
Publish エネルギー経済 (2/1/2021), HP (3/1/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment
Title Decarbonization and Energy Geopolitics
Author Nobuo Tanaka
Publish エネルギー経済 (2/1/2021), HP (3/1/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment
Title Significance of Japan-U.S. Energy/Environment Cooperation under the Biden Administration:A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (516)
Author Ken Koyama
Category Energy General, Environment
Title Carbon Neutral and Decarbonization of Fossil Fuels (2):A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (505)
Author Ken Koyama
Category Energy General, Environment
Title Carbon Neutral and Decarbonization of Fossil Fuels (1):A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (504)
Author Ken Koyama
Category Energy General, Environment
Title The Spread of COVID-19 and Suggestions for Future Smart City Plans
Author Yu Nagatomi
Publish HP (10/28/2020)
Category Energy General, Environment
Title The Spread of COVID-19 and Suggestions for Future Smart City Plans
Author Yu Nagatomi
Category Energy General, Environment
Title Video Session 2: “Is Hydrocarbon the enemy or ally to Climate Change countermeasures?", Special Speech "The Energy Policy Situation"
Publish Symposium (9/18/2020), HP (10/6/2020)
Category Energy General, Environment, New / Renewable Energy