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171 : 121 - 130

Title IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report and Future Countermeasures against Global Warming
Author IEEJ
Publish HP (11/15/2013)
Category Energy General, Electric Power, Nuclear Power Generation, New / Renewable Energy
Title Restoring Sonfidence After Fukushima
Author Commissioner William Donald Magwood, IV (Commissioner, NRC)
Publish Symposium (11/5/2013), HP (11/11/2013)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Title Restoring People’s Confidence
Author Prof. Bertrand Barré (Former Head of the Nuclear Reactors, CEA)
Publish Symposium (11/5/2013), HP (11/11/2013)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Title How can we restore people’s confidence towards nuclear safety and risk management?
Author Mr. Lauri Muranen (Secretary General at Finnish Energy Council, Advisor at Finnish Energy Industries)
Publish Symposium (11/5/2013), HP (11/11/2013)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Title Europe and Nuclear: about public confidence
Author Mr. Jean-Pol Poncelet (Director General, FORATOM)
Publish Symposium (11/5/2013), HP (11/11/2013)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Title The requirements for the recovery of public trust in nuclear power in Japan
Author Prof. Hajimu Yamana (Prfessor of Kyoto Univ., President of IRID)
Publish Symposium (11/5/2013), HP (11/11/2013)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Title Safe Disposal of Radioactive Waste as the Key to the Sustainable Use of Nuclear Energy
Author Irena Mele (IAEA, Nuclear Energy Department)
Publish Symposium (11/5/2013), HP (11/11/2013)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Title Can we allay concerns over nuclear waste & fuel recycling
Author Prof. Paul Howarth (Managing Director, NNL)
Publish Symposium (11/5/2013), HP (11/11/2013)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Title Nuclear Waste & Fuel Recycling
Author Prof. Bertrand Barré (Former Head of the Nuclear Reactors, CEA, Scientific)
Publish Symposium (11/5/2013), HP (11/11/2013)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Title Can we allay concerns over nuclear waste and fuel recycling?
Author Mr. Lauri Muranen (Secretary General at Finnish Energy Council, Advisor at Finnish Energy Industries)
Publish Symposium (11/5/2013), HP (11/11/2013)
Category Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation