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318 : 121 - 130

Title Video: "IEA Net Zero in 2050: A roadmap for the global energy system", "IEA The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions"
Publish IEEJ Energy Seminar (5/28/2021), HP (6/2/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment
Title How to Read IEA’s “Net Zero by 2050” Report:A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (533)
Author Ken Koyama
Category Energy General, Environment
Title Interactions between Tipping Elements in an Integrated Assessment Model of Climate Change: Modeling and Analysis with a Focus on Melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet and Collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Author Takashi Otsuki, Yuji Matsuo, Soichi Morimoto
Category Energy General, Environment
Title A Discussion on Abatement Costs in an Integrated Assessment Model of Climate Change
Author Soichi Morimoto, Yuji Matsuo, Takashi Otsuki
Category Energy General, Environment
Title Outlook and Challenges for Climate Change Policies (Executive Summary)
Author Takahiko Tagami
Publish Forum on Research Works (12/24/2020), HP (3/2/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment
Title Outlook and Challenges for Climate Change Policies (Presentation Material)
Author Takahiko Tagami
Publish Forum on Research Works (12/24/2020), HP (3/2/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment
Title Opportunities in the U.S. and Japan to Decarbonize Energy Supplies by 2050 : Roles for Renewable and Nuclear Energy
Author Peter B. Lyons
Publish エネルギー経済 (2/1/2021), HP (3/1/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment, New / Renewable Energy
Title Decarbonization by 2050: Looking Back to Look Ahead
Author Kenneth B Medlock III
Publish エネルギー経済 (2/1/2021), HP (3/1/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment
Title Climate Scenarios are Off Track
Author Roger Pielke Jr.
Publish エネルギー経済 (2/1/2021), HP (3/1/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment
Title Is It Possible to Fully Decarbonize the Global Supply of Energy by 2050? The Role of Energy Efficiency, Renewables and Nuclear Power
Author Gerry Thomas
Publish エネルギー経済 (2/1/2021), HP (3/1/2021)
Category Energy General, Environment