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8 : 1 - 8

Title Global Warming Measures and Nuclear Energy’s Roles
Author Tsutomu Toichi
Category Energy General, Environment, Nuclear Power Generation, Article on Papers & Magazines
Title Climate Change and the Future of Oil
Author Tsutomu Toichi
Category Energy General, Petroleum, Article on Papers & Magazines
Title ASIA/WORLD ENERGY OUTLOOK 2014 - Analysis of low-growth scenarios for China and India and the climate change issue -
Author EDMC
Publish Forum on Research Works (10/22/2014), HP (1/13/2015)
Category Energy General, Energy Conservation, Environment, Petroleum, Natural Gas, Coal, Electric Power, Nuclear Power Generation, New / Renewable Energy, Article on Papers & Magazines, Supply and Demand Outlook
Title Analysis of Applicable Liberalization Models in China's Electric Power Market
Author Chun Chun NI
Publish HP (11/2005), International Public Economy Studies (10/2005)
Category Article on Papers & Magazines
Title Economic and Energy Outlook & Key Issues for Northeast Asia
Author Tsutomu Toichi
Publish Report of the Working Group on Energy for the DPRK, University of Peace (秋/2005)
Category Article on Papers & Magazines
Title Japan's Energy Situation: Present and Future
Author Tsutomu Toichi
Publish HP (10/18/2005)
Category Article on Papers & Magazines
Title The Crude Oil Price Stops High Even after the Iraqi War
Author Yoshiki Ogawa
Publish HP (10/2003)
Category Petroleum, Natural Gas, Article on Papers & Magazines
Title Energy Security in Asia and Japanese Policy
Author Tsutomu Toichi
Publish HP (7/2003)
Category Energy General, Petroleum, Article on Papers & Magazines