Research Paper

A Study on Decarbonization Roadmaps for ASEAN Countries

Description This report was written by the author for the 39th Energy Systems, Economy and Environment Conference and has been reproduced and uploaded to the IEEJ website with the permission of the Japan Society of Energy and Resources.
Author Soichi Morimoto, Seiya Endo, Hideaki Obane, Kei Shimogori, Yuji Mizuno(IAE), Takashi Otsuki(YNU), Yuhji Matsuo(APU), Shigeru Kimura(ERIA), Jun Arima(GraSPP)
Summary Since COP26, the wave of decarbonization has spread beyond developed nations to emerging and developing countries. Many of the countries in ASEAN have already declared that...
Media HP (5/17/2023)
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