(11/22/2024) The 16th IEEJ Webinar for the world “IEEJ Outlook 2025”

Speaker, etc. Speaker:
Seiya Endo, Senior Economist, Energy Data and Modelling Center (EDMC) , IEEJ
Ichiro Kutani, Senior Research Director, Director, Energy Security Unit, IEEJ
Moderator: Yu Nagatomi, PhD, Executive Analyst, Manager, Econometric & Statistical Analysis Group (ESA), Energy Data and Modelling Center (EDMC) IEEJ
Description Presentation Materials

Introduction: 0:00:00~0:02:14
Presentation1: 0:02:15~00:19:10
Presentation2: 0:19:11~00:37:30
Q&A: 00:37:31~00:45:16
Publish Date 11/25/2024