(4/19/2024) The 9th IEEJ / APERC Joint International Energy Symposium: Session 3 “Sustainable supplies and use of critical materials”, Closing Remarks

Speaker, etc. Session 3 “Sustainable supplies and use of critical materials”
Moderator: Glen Sweetnam, Senior Vice President, APERC

① Mr. Tim Gould, Chief Energy Economist, International Energy Agency (IEA)
② Mr. Takeshi Harada, Director, Research Division, Metals Strategy Department, Metals Unit, Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC), Japan
③ Ichiro Kutani, Senior Research Director, Manager, Global Energy Group 1, Director, Energy Security Unit, IEEJ

Closing Remarks: Dr. Kazutomo Irie, President, APERC
Description Mr. Takeshi Harada PPT
Ichiro Kutani PPT
Publish Date 06/12/2024
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