(5/26/2016) IEEJ 50th / APERC 20th Anniversary Joint Symposium:Session2 Can APEC play a role as ”Trump Card” to address common energy challenges in the region?

Speaker, etc. Friday, May 26, 2016
Session2 Can APEC play a role as ”Trump Card” to address common energy challenges in the region?

Moderator: Mr. Takato Ojimi, President, APERC

①Ms. Cecilia Tam, Special Advisor, APERC
②Dr. Sanjayan Velautham, Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Energy
③Dr. Nan Zhou, Deputy Group Leader, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US
④Dr. Ross Lambie, Department of Innovation, Industry and Science, Australia
⑤Mr. Nobuo Tanaka*1, President, Sasakawa Peace Foundation
⑥Dr. Phyllis Yoshida, Lead Shepherd, APEC Energy Working Group
*1 Distinguished Fellow of IEEJ
Description Friday, May 26, 2016
Moderator: Mr. Takato Ojimi, President, APERC

Ms. Cecilia Tam, Special Advisor, APERC

Dr. Sanjayan Velautham, Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Energy

Dr. Nan Zhou, Deputy Group Leader, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US

Dr. Ross Lambie, Department of Innovation, Industry and Science, Australia

Mr. Nobuo Tanaka*1, President, Sasakawa Peace Foundation

Dr. Phyllis Yoshida, Lead Shepherd, APEC Energy Working Group

Publish Date 07/22/2016
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