(2/9/2021)The 7th IEEJ Global Energy Webinar: “The Future of Natural Gas and LNG: are methane emissions a big problem?”

Speaker, etc. Speaker:
Prof. Jonathan Stern, Distinguished Research Fellow and Founder Natural Gas Research Programme, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, UK

Mr. Takeshi Soda, Director, Petroleum and Natural Gas Division, Natural Resources and Fuel Department, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Mr. Jun Nishizawa, Group CEO, Natural Gas Group, Executive Vice President, Mitsubishi Cooperation

Ken Koyama, Senior Managing Director, Chief Economist, Charge of Strategy Research Unit, IEEJ
Description This video is recorded in the original language.

Presentation Materials

②Presentation by Professor Stern:01:33~37:88
③Comment by Mr. Soda:37:39~41:59
④Comment by Mr. Nishizawa:42:00~47:38
⑤Panel Discussion:47:39~01:13:19

Publish Date 02/15/2021
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