(9/18/2020) 5th IEEJ / APERC Joint International Energy Symposium:Opening Remarks, Session 1 “Is it possible to fully decarbonize the global supply of energy by 2050?"

Speaker, etc. Opening Remarks: Mr. Masakazu Toyoda, Chairman & CEO, IEEJ

Session 1: “Is it possible to fully decarbonize the global supply of energy by 2050?
~Role of Renewable Energy, Nuclear Energy and Energy Efficiency~"

Moderator: Ms. Yukari Yamashita, Managing Director, Director, IEEJ

①Prof. Roger Pielke, Professor, Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado Boulder, US
②Dr. Kenneth Medlock III, Senior Director, Center for Energy Studies, Rice University's Baker Institute
③Mr. John Kotek, Vice President, Policy & Public Affairs, Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI)
Description Prof. Roger Pielke PPT
Dr. Kenneth Medlock III PPT
Mr. John Kotek PPT

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Publish Date 10/05/2020
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