(14/9/2020)The 5th IEEJ Global Energy Webinar:“Unlocking Reductions in the Construction Costs of Nuclear: A Practical Guide for Stakeholders”

Speaker, etc. Speaker:
Dr. Sama Bilbao Y León, Head, Division of Nuclear Technology Development and
Economics (NTE), OECD/NEA
OECD/NEA原子力技術開発経済部 原子力アナリスト
Dr. Michel Berthélemy, Nuclear Energy Analyst, NTE, OECD/NEA
Mr. Antonio Vayá Soler, Nuclear Energy Analyst, NTE, OECD/NEA

Ms. Tomoko Murakami, Senior Economist, Manager, Nuclear Energy Group, Strategy Research Unit, IEEJ
Description ①Introduction:00:00~03:14
Presentation Materials
Publish Date 09/18/2020
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