Executive Analyst, Gas Group, Energy Security Unit
Specialty: International Energy Situations, Japan’s Energy Security
Mar. 2009 | B.A. in International Relations, College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo |
Mar. 2022 | Ph.D. in Advanced Social and International Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo |
Apr. 2009 | Mitsui & Co.,Ltd. (engaged in LNG, uranium, and coal projects) |
May 2021 | The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan |
- YANAGISAWA, Takafumi.2024. ‘’Summary of COP28 focusing on the role of UAE as chair and outlook for COP29’’, Chuto Doko Bunseki. (in Japanese)
- YANAGISAWA, Takafumi.2023. ‘’50 years after Oil Crisis ; History and View of Japan’s Energy Diplomacy toward the Middle East’’, JCCME news.
(in Japanese) - YANAGISAWA, Takafumi.2022. ‘’Energy Strategy by Middle East countries after Ukraine War and View for COP28 in UAE’’, Chuto Doko Bunseki.
(in Japanese) - YANAGISAWA, Takafumi.2022. ‘’The reason why the Japanese government needs to strengthen its involvement in energy procurement in the current energy crisis’’, Nikkei Business Online. (in Japanese)
- YANAGISAWA, Takafumi.2021. ‘’History and View of fiscal and tax reforms in GCC countries’’, Chuto Doko Bunseki. (in Japanese)
<Ph.D. Thesis>
- YANAGISAWA, Takafumi.2022. “Japan’s Energy Diplomacy after the oil crisis in 1970s ; ”Dilemma between Millitary Security and Energy Security“ and ”Energy Procurement led by firms“”
- YANAGISAWA, Takafumi. 2024. ‘’Contemporary Japan’s Energy Resource Diplomacy’’, Fuyoshobo Shuppan. (in Japanese)
- YANAGISWA, Takafumi.2024. “US temporary pause of LNG export permits and its long-term implications”, IEEJ energy seminar.
- YANAGISWA, Takafumi.2024. “COP28 and energy movement in the Middle East”, JIME Center seminar.
- YANAGISWA, Takafumi.2023. “Energy situation in the Middle East after Ukraine Crisis and outlook toward COP28”, Japan Arab Association seminar.
- YANAGISWA, Takafumi.2023. “Utilization of LNG in Maritime Transportation”, GECF workshop on Natural Gas Utilization in the Transportation Sector (participated as co-speaker)
- YANAGISWA, Takafumi.2022. “History and View of Japan’s Energy Diplomacy toward the Middle East”, JIME Center international symposium.
- YANAGISWA, Takafumi.2022. “Ukraine War and Energy Issues from the perspectives of the Middle East”, JIIA webinar(participated as discussant)
- YANAGISWA, Takafumi.2022. “Decarbonization Trend and the Movement by GCC countries”, JAMES 38th Annual Meeting.
- YANAGISAWA, Takafumi.2021.’’COP26 and energy situation in GCC countries’’, JIME Center seminar.
- YANAGISWA, Takafumi.2021.’’Japan’s Resourece Diplomacy toward the Middle East countries’’, JIME Center Seminar.
Activity on Commitee
- The Japanese Association of International Relations
- Japan Association for Middle East Studies