
SHIBATA, Yoshiaki
Senior Research Director, Manager, New Energy System Group, Assistant Director,
Clean Energy Unit
Fields of Study:
・Energy engineering
・Technology and policy analysis on renewable energy, energy storage, hydrogen and CCUS
1992 | Graduated from University of Tokyo, Department of Engineering |
1994 | Master of Engineering, majored in Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Tokyo |
1994 - 1995 | Toshiba, Department of Energy Development |
1997 | Diplôme d'études Approfondies (Master of Engineering), majored in Energy Engineering, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris |
1999 - 2010 | Jyukankyo Research Institute |
2010 | The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan |
Research papers:
- Shibata, Y., “Comparison of Hydrogen Imports vs. Product Imports”, IEEJ, 2023
- Shibata, Y., Nagatomi, Y., “Economics of Hydrogen Production from Electrolyzer-Battery Hybrid System Using Surplus Electricity”, 38th Energy Systems, Economy and Environment Conference, 2022
- Shibata, Sasakawa, Nagata, ”Gas Decarbonization and Energy System Integration”, IEEJ, 2022
- Otsuki, Shibata, ”Essays on the Carbon Sources of Carbon-Recycle Fuels (1)~(4), IEEJ, 2021
- “Grid Flexibility Offered by Distributed Combined Heat and Power Using Carbon-neutral Methane Produced from Surplus Renewable Electricity”, 2019, IEEJ
- “Potential and Economics of Carbon-Neutral Methane; Combination of PtG and CCU”, 2018, IEEJ
- Shibata, Y., “Is Power to Gas Feasible in Japan”, IEEJ Energy Journal Vol.11, No.1, 2016
- Shibata, Y., “Economic Analysis of Hydrogen Production from Variable Renewables”, IEEJ Energy Journal Vol.10, No.2, 2015
- Shibata, Y., “Potentiality of Demand Response and Curtailment for Wind Power Integration”, IEEJ Energy Journal Vol.9, No.2, 2014 “Role of Demand Side in the Distributed Energy System”, ERICE INTERNATIONAL SEMINARS ON PLANETARY EMERGENCIES, 47th Session, Erice, 12 –14 May 2014, THE ENERGY PLANETARY EMERGENCY, Workshop on Energy, Cities, and the Control of Complex Systems
- Shibata, Y., “Evaluation of Wind Power Integration Potential in Japan by Strengthening of Interregional Transmission Lines and by Power Curtailment”, IEEJ Energy Journal Vol.8, No.3 2013
- Shibata Y., “The Status Quo of Electric Motor Energy Standard Setting and “Top Runner” Experience in Japan”, 8th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Motor Driven Systems (EEMODS ’13)
- Shibata, Y., et al, “Promotions of Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) by Utility-Bill-Payback Scheme in Vietnam”, International Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances & Lighting Conference 2009
- Shibata, Y., et al, ‘Evaluation on the in situ Performance of The CO2 Heat Pump Water Heater’, Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of Energy, Economy, and Environment, 2006, 183-186. (Awarded)
- Shibata, Y., Aebischer, B., A, B. Markus, K., Satkartar, Le Strat, P., Varone, F, “Energy efficiency indicators for high electric-load buildings”, Proceedings of ECEEE429-440, 2003.
- Shibata, Y., et al, “Standby Power Use: How Big Is the Problem? What Policies and Technical Solutions Can Address It? ”, Proceedings of ACEEE, 7.41-7.60, 2002.
- Shibata, Y., Nakagami, H., Present Status and Perspective of Energy Efficiency and Conservation Policies in Japan - Residential and Commercial Sector -, pp.541-546, Energy Efficiency in Household Appliances and Lighting, Springer 2001.
- Shibata, Y., ‘Evaluation Exergétique de Différents Cycles Thermodynamiques de Production d'Electricité Associant Un Cycle Combiné et Une Centrale Solaire à Tour’, Master thesis, Ecole des Mines de Paris/University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, 1997
Presentations, Activities on Committees etc, etc.:
- “Power to Gas - Enabler of Decarbonization through Energy Transition”, ADB’s Regional Workshop on Green and Low-Carbon Hydrogen Energy, Tokyo, 26-27, Feb, 2020
- “Perspectives and Challenges of Power to Gas”, German-Japanese Dialogue Forum for Environment and Energy, February 9, 2017, Tokyo
- “Innovation in Energy Storage for Renewables Integration”, Deepdive Session: Energy Storage & Electric Vehicles, IRENA Innovation Week, “The Age of Renewable Power” Wednesday 12th May 2016, Bonn, Germany
- “Japan’s Renewable Energy Development and Distribution Policies”, 2015 China-Korea-Japan Joint Energy Workshop, 24th September 2015, Beijing, China
- “The Dissemination Status and Obstacles of Solar and Wind Energy Products in Japan”, Market Accessibility of Clean Energy Products(MACEP) Workshop, 25th September 2015, Beijing, China