
Senior Researcher, JIME Center
Fields of Study: Politics, Economy, and Energy Policies of the Middle East and North Africa focusing on Libya, International Security, Energy Geopolitics
2009 | B.A. in Policy Management, Keio University |
2011 | M.A. in Media and Governance, Keio University |
2011 - 2013 | Senior Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC |
2013 - 2016 | Research Assistant, Global Environmental System Leaders Program, Keio University |
2013 - 2014 | Advisory Expert, Development Assistance Project of Post-conflict Libya, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) |
2014 - 2015 | Research Fellow, University of Nairobi, Kenya |
2015 - 2016 | Research Intern, Energy and National Security Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies, the U.S. |
2016 - 2017 | Junior Visiting Fellow, Japan Institute of International Affairs |
2017 - 2020 | Research Fellow, JIME Center, IEEJ |
2019 | Ph.D. in Media and Governance, Keio University |
2020 - present | Senior Researcher, JIME Center, IEEJ |
2021 - 2023 | Deputy Head of Mission, Japan's Embassy in Libya |
- Dr. Kobayashi has conducted various research projects of the government including Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Cabinet Secretariat, private companies, and research institutes.
Research Papers:
- “Japan Beyond Asia: How the Middle East could be integrated into the Indo-Pacific Geostrategy,” KGRI Working Papers, Keio University, May 2024.
- “Destabilization in the Middle East and Its Impacts on Japan’s Energy Security,” The Changing Security Environment in the Middle East: China's Expansion, Security-development Nexus, and the Possibility of US–Japan Cooperation, JIME Center- the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan,
April 2021. - “Challenges for Japan in Integrating the Middle East and Africa into the Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy/Vision,” The Changing Security Environment in the Middle East and the Role of the U.S. – Japan Cooperation,JIME Center- the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan, April 2020.
- “Irregular Migration from the Middle East and Africa and Its Implication on the Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union”
(Journal of International Security, 2019) - “Fragmentation of Libya: Political Situation Preventing the 2018 Presidential and Legislative Elections” (Journals of Middle Eastern Studies, 2018)
- “The 'Ungoverned Spaces' in Libya: Nexus of Violent Extremist Organization and Global Migration”
(Japan Institute of International Affairs, 2018) - “Post-conflict Libya as the ‘Destination’ and ‘Transit Hub’ for Migration”
(Journals of Middle Eastern Studies, 2017) - “Middle East and North Africa Political Risk Assessment: Implications of Sustained Low Oil Prices”
(co-authored with Guy Caruso, Robert Wray PLLC, 2016) - “‘Intertwined’ Security Destabilization: Inter-regional Flow of Combatants from Libya to the Islamic State”
(Journals of Middle Eastern Studies, 2016) - “Challenges for State-building and Economic and Industrial Development of Post-conflict Libya”
(the Africa Society of Japan, 2014) - “New Libya’s General National Election and Future Prospect After the Qadhafi Regime”
(Journals of Middle Eastern Studies, 2012)
- Introduction for African Security (co-authored, Koyo-shobo, 2019)
- Geopolitics of the Middle East and the Islamic State (co-authored, Asahi Shimbun Publications, 2017)
- Israel Indo-Pacific Roundtable Virtual Workshop, Near East South Asia Center, March 27, 2024.
- “New technologies and the future of fossil fuels,” The Future of Energy and Sustainability, TRENDS Research & Advisory, March 16, 2021.
- “Incentives for Stalemate: Challenges of Political Stabilization in Post-Civil War Libya,” Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Japan:
The State of the Art (No.13), Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies, November 29, 2019, Beirut, Lebanon. - “Middle East and Africa in the Indo-Pacific Strategy,” Economic Statecraft in the Indo-Pacific, Tama University Center for Rule-making Strategies, May 28, 2019, Tokyo, Japan.
- “Regional Intervention to Post-conflict Libya and its Consequences: Who are Supporting Whom for What?”,
Korean Association of Middle East Studies, October 13, 2018, Seoul, South Korea. - “Power Struggle and Political Marginalization in the Post-conflict Libya: Multi-dimensional Fights”, International Political Science Association (IPSA), July 24, 2018, Brisbane, Australia.
- “Japan’s Counter-Terrorism Policy and the MENA: Daesh’s Threats and Current Policy Trends”, Arab-Japanese Academic Dialogue,
September 23, 2017, Cairo, Egypt. - “Libyan Civil War and Its Impacts to the Regional Governance in North Africa”, Fifth Global International Studies Conference,
March 31 – April 4, Taipei, Taiwan. - “Intertwined Domestic Political Upheavals and Their Effects to the Regional Governance: The case of Libyan Civil War in 2011”,
International Conference on Twenty First Century Developmental Challenges: Asian Perspectives, June 1, 2014, Niigata, Japan. - Amane Kobayashi, Shiori Sasaki, and Yasushi Kiyoki, “An Analytical Visualization of Global Political Effects with 5D World Map System:
Cases of Anti-governmental Movement to Regional Upheaval in the Middle East”, Indonesian-Japanese Conference on Knowledge Creation and Intelligent Computing, March 25, 2014, Malang, Indonesia.
- Amane KOBAYASHI, Ph.D. is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ). His expertise includes politics and security of the Middle East and North Africa focusing on Libya and energy geopolitics in the region. From 2021 to 2023, Amane worked as the Deputy Head of Mission at Japan's Embassy in Libya, where he oversaw political and economic affairs as well as cooperation with international organizations. He has previously served the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA), the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the U.S., and Keio University, Japan. He also worked for the post-conflict development of Libya with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) from 2013 to 2014. Amane teaches/taught international relations and security, contemporary politics in the Middle East, and energy policies at several universities in Japan. Amane received his Ph.D. and M.A. in Media and Governance, and B.A. in Policy Management at Keio University, Japan. He was a Research Fellow at the University of Nairobi, Kenya.
- amane.kobayashi★ (Please change ★to @)