The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

Energy General / Outlook Article List

Energy General / Outlook Report & Material
Search Energy General / Outlook
Japanese Experience Toward Energy Efficient Economy
11/29/2007 Kensuke Kanekiyo
Category:Energy General, Energy Conservation
Impact of Changes in Indian Coal Supply/Demand Outlook on International Coal Markets
11/28/2007 Koichi Koizumi, Kiminori Maekawa
Category:Energy General, Coal
Natural Gas and LNG Supply/Demand Trends in Asia Pacific and Atlantic Markets (2006)
09/19/2007 Tetsuo Morikawa
Category:Energy General, Natural Gas, Supply and Demand Outlook
Energy Intensity of GDP as an Index of Energy Conservation
08/28/2007 Shigeru Suehiro
Category:Energy General, Energy Conservation
Long-term Global Energy Supply/Demand Outlook under the Constraints of Atmospheric GHG Concentration
08/14/2007 Ryoichi Komiyama
Category:Energy General, Environment, Supply and Demand Outlook
Energy Trend of Asia & Japan
07/10/2007 Kensuke Kanekiyo
Category:Energy General
Alternative Fuel Implementation Policy in China and its Assessment
05/15/2007 Yue ZHANG, Chong Siang CHEW
Category:Energy General, Petroleum, New / Renewable Energy
Study of the Marketability of Oil Sands Products in Asian Countries
05/09/2007 IEEJ
Category:Energy General, Petroleum, Supply and Demand Outlook
Energy Strategies in China and India and Major Countries's Views
03/27/2007 Hiroyuki Ishida
Category:Energy General, Petroleum


Chief Economist
Perspective on the
International Energy Landscape
TANAKA, Kohichiro,
Director of JIME Center