The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

Energy General / Outlook Article List

Energy General / Outlook Report & Material
Search Energy General / Outlook
Lowering Energy Intensity toward Sustainable Development
01/24/2006 Kensuke Kanekiyo
Category:Energy General, Energy Conservation, Supply and Demand Outlook
Effects of the Oil Price Upsurge on the World Economy
12/16/2005 Hiromi Kato
Category:Energy General
China's Economic and Energy Situation and an Impact Analysis of Appreciation of the Yuan
12/16/2005 Shigeru Suehiro, Akira Yanagisawa
Category:Energy General
World Energy Outlook 2005 Middle East and North Africa Insights
11/14/2005 Deputy Executive Director William C. Ramsay, Chief Economist Dr. Fatih Birol, IEA
Category:Energy General
Energy Outlook of China and Northeast Asia And Japanese Perception toward Regional Energy Partnership
10/12/2005 Kensuke Kanekiyo
Category:Energy General, Petroleum, Natural Gas
How Russian Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy
09/08/2005 Dr. Stuart D. Goldman
Category:Energy General
Energy Demand and Supply Outlook in China for 2030 and A Northeast Asian Energy Community
08/31/2005 Zhidong Li, Kokichi Ito, Ryoichi Komiyama
Category:Energy General, Petroleum
CGE Analysis on How Formations of FTAs in East Asia Affect Energy Markets
06/09/2005 Norihiro Okumura, Akira Yanagisawa
Category:Energy General


Chief Economist
Perspective on the
International Energy Landscape
TANAKA, Kohichiro,
Director of JIME Center