The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

Energy General / Outlook Article List

Energy General / Outlook Report & Material
Search Energy General / Outlook
The Trends of Coal Exports and Imports by China and Its Influence on Asian Coal Markets
11/06/2008 Atsuo Sagawa, Koichi Koizumi
Category:Energy General, Coal
Energy and Climate Security for Sustainable Development
11/05/2008 Tsutomu Toichi
Category:Energy General, Energy Conservation
Sectoral Approaches in Global Warming Measures -Expectations, Expected Roles and its Challenges-
10/27/2008 kenichi Wada
Category:Energy General, Environment
An Outlook for Introduction of Nuclear Power Generation in Southeast Asian Countries
10/21/2008 Yuji Matsuo, Seiji Kouno, Tomoko Murakami
Category:Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Supply and Demand Analysis on Petroleum Products and Crude Oils for Asia and the World
10/01/2008 Harumi Hirai, Yuhji Matsuo, Hiroshi Uno, Yu Nagatomi
Category:Energy General, Petroleum
Energy Demand and Supply Outlook for 2050 in US Building Sector
09/11/2008 Ryoichi Komiyama
Category:Energy General, New / Renewable Energy, Supply and Demand Outlook
Energy Outlook and Challenges of Northeast Asia -A Quest for Sustainable Development-
09/10/2008 Kensuke Kanekiyo
Category:Energy General, Environment
Natural Gas In Asia: The Challenges of Growth in China, India, Japan and Korea
08/14/2008 Prof. Jonathan Stern
Category:Energy General, Natural Gas
Natural Gas and LNG Supply/Demand Trends in Asia Pacific and Atlantic Markets (FY2007)
07/23/2008 Tetsuo Morikawa
Category:Energy General, Natural Gas, Supply and Demand Outlook


Chief Economist
Perspective on the
International Energy Landscape
TANAKA, Kohichiro,
Director of JIME Center