The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

Oil / Gas / Coal Article List

Oil / Gas / Coal Report & Material
Search Oil / Gas / Coal
Coal Supply and Demand Trends in Asia -Huge Potential Demand and Related Subjects-
01/07/2003 Yoshimitsu MIMUROTO, Koichi KOIZUMI
Latest Coal Situation in Australia
01/07/2003 Yoshimitsu MIMUROTO, Koichi KOIZUMI
Asian Premium of Crude Oil and Importance on Preparation of Oil Market
12/26/2002 Yoshiki Ogawa
Liberalization of Gas Industries in Europe and the U.S.
12/20/2002 Hideo Hasegawa
Category:Natural Gas
Energy Requirements and Export Potentials in Indonesia
12/16/2002 Atsushi FUKUSHIMA
Category:Energy General, Petroleum, Natural Gas, Coal, Electric Power
Current Situation and Future Prospects of Japanese LNG Market- Summary -
10/04/2002 Akiyuki Fujita, Takeharu Ueda, Shin-ya Nagasaka, Satoshi Sano
Category:Natural Gas
The 121st OPEC Meeting and the world oil market
10/01/2002 Ken Koyama
Significance of the 8th International Energy Forum (Producer-Consumer Dialogue)
09/30/2002 Kazuya Fujime
Category:Petroleum, Natural Gas


Chief Economist
Perspective on the
International Energy Landscape
TANAKA, Kohichiro,
Director of JIME Center