The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

Oil / Gas / Coal Article List

Oil / Gas / Coal Report & Material
Search Oil / Gas / Coal
CURRENT ISSUES IN THE JAPANESE LNG MARKET-Relation with Gas Producers and Consumers-
06/09/2003 Takeo SUZUKI, Takeharu UEDA, Satoshi SANO, Shin-ya NAGASAKA
Category:Natural Gas
Trends of Petroleum Distribution Business in China
05/19/2003 Guo Si Zhi (Kaku Shi Shi)
The Present and Future of Coal from Viewpoint of 3Es
05/16/2003 Yoshimitsu Mimuroto
Category:Energy General, Environment, Coal
Toward Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia
03/31/2003 Kensuke Kanekiyo
Category:Energy General, Petroleum, Natural Gas
U.S. Declaration Of War Against Iraq And The Outlook For The World Oil Market
03/30/2003 Ken Koyama
Category:Energy General, Petroleum, Supply and Demand Outlook
Asia Needs to Construct A Framework of Energy Cooperation & Joint Researches
03/11/2003 Kazuya Fujime
Category:Energy General, Petroleum, Natural Gas, Supply and Demand Outlook
Present Environment of Japan's Coal Supply
02/26/2003 Yoshimitsu MIMUROTO, Shinzo SUGIUCHI, Koichi KOIZUMI, Atsuo SAGAWA, Kiminori MAEKAWA
Short-Term Outlook for the World Oil Market and Oil Price
01/21/2003 Ken Koyama
Category:Energy General, Petroleum
Global Warming Abatement and Coal Supply and Demand
01/10/2003 Yoshimitsu MIMUROTO, Koichi KOIZUMI
Category:Environment, Coal


Chief Economist
Perspective on the
International Energy Landscape
TANAKA, Kohichiro,
Director of JIME Center