Energy Efficiency Policies and Technologies in South Africa
September 6th, 2012 in South Africa |
Opening Remarks: Mrs
Sherine Panton-Ntshona, Divisional Executive:International Division,
Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA)
Opening Remarks: Mr. Ken Okaniwa, Minister, Embassy of Japan
in South Africa |
(Session 1:
Current Progress of Energy Efficiency Policies in South Africa)
1. Energy
Efficiency Regulations in South Africa
Mr. Xolile Mabusela, Director: Energy Efficiency and Environment,
Department of Energy (DOE) |
2. Energy
Efficiency Technology Development
Mr. Zukile Zibi, Energy Sector Portfolio Manager, Technology
Innovation Agency (TIA) |
3. Energy
Efficiency Standards
Mr. Pieter Haasbroek, Senior Manager: Certification, South African
Bureau of Standards (SABS) |
4. Implementation
and Enforcement of EE practices and technical Specifications
Mr. Alan Cohen, Technical Specialist: NRCS Regulatory Research
and Development, National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications
(NRCS) |
5. Smart Grid Development
Policy in South Africa
Dr. Minnesh Bipat,South African National Energy Development
Institute (SANEDI) |
6. Energy
Efficiency Programs
Mr. John Thorby, Programme Manager: Energy Efficiency, Eskom |
(Session 2:
Energy Efficiency Technologies applicable to South Africa)
1. Solutions
for Sustainable Energy
Mr. Manuel Fernandes, Business Development Manager, Yokogawa
South Africa (Pty) Ltd. |
2. Japanese
Clean Technologies for South African Cement Industry
Mr. Shinichi Aoyama, Deputy General Manager, Consulting Service
Department, Engineering Division, Taiheiyo Engineering Corporation |
3. NEC
Green Vision- Creating a Sustainable Society
Mr. Eugene le Roux, Deputy Managing Director, NEC Africa (Pty)
Ltd. |
4. Hitachi’s
Energy Efficiency Technologies in Smart Cities
Mr. Michinaga Kohno, Senior Chief Engineer, Social Innovation
Business Project Division, Hitachi, Ltd. |
5. Key Technology
Fields for Energy Business by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Ltd.
Mr. Isao Deki, Chief Representative, Johannesburg Branch, Mitsubishi
Heavy Industries, Ltd. |
6. Energy
Efficiency in Residential and Commercial HVAC Equipment Applications
Mr. Paul Dergeloo, Deputy Managing Director, Sales and Service
Director, Daikin Air Conditioning South Africa (Pty) Ltd. |
7. Hitachi’s
Smart Grid Solutions
Mr. Shin-ichi Inage, Renewable Energy & Smart Grid Division,
Power Systems Company, Hitachi Ltd. |
(Session 3:
Cooperation by South Africa and Japan)
1. Presentation by Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) |
2. JETRO’s
Activities in the Energy & Environment Industry
Mr. Kimihiko Inaba, Executive Director, Japan External Trade
Organization (JETRO) |
Closing Remarks
Mr. Toshiyuki Nakamura, Chief Representative, South Africa Office,
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) |