The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

Energy General / Outlook Article List

Energy General / Outlook Report & Material
Search Energy General / Outlook
LNG Review October 2020- Recent issues and events
11/11/2020 Hiroshi Hashimoto
Category:Energy General, Natural Gas
Key Points of IEEJ Outlook 2021:A Japanese Perspective on the International Energy Landscape (503)
11/04/2020 Ken Koyama
Category:Energy General, Supply and Demand Outlook
The Spread of COVID-19 and Suggestions for Future Smart City Plans
10/28/2020 Yu Nagatomi
Category:Energy General, Environment
Estimation of Changes in the Electricity Demand Curve under the State of Emergency
Estimation Using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
10/28/2020 Yu Nagatomi, Natsumi Aizawa, Hideaki Okabayashi, Yuji Matsuo
Category:Energy General, Electric Power
COVID-19 countermeasures’ impacts on electricity demand and wholesale prices(data in major countries) Updated version
10/23/2020 Junichi Ogasawara, Hiroko Nakamura, Masato Ishikawa, Yasuhide Arai, Seiya Endo
Category:Energy General, Electric Power, Supply and Demand Outlook


Chief Economist
Perspective on the
International Energy Landscape
TANAKA, Kohichiro,
Director of JIME Center