The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

Energy General / Outlook Article List

Energy General / Outlook Report & Material
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-China Joint Symposium on Asian Oil & Gas - The 6h IEEJ.CNPC Research Meeting-
Category:Energy General, Petroleum, Natural Gas
Decelerated China’s Oil Demand
12/04/2012 Tomoko Matsumoto
Category:Energy General, Petroleum
Estimating Global CO2 Emission Constraints and Energy Supply/Demand Structure in 2050 with MARKAL Model
11/29/2012 Yuji Matsuo, Kengo Suzuki, Yu Nagatomi, Shigeru Suehiro, Ryoichi Komiyama
Category:Energy General
Short-term Energy Supply and Demand Outlook -Energy Supply and Demand Forecast for FY2012- and Forecasts for the International Oil and Gas Markets
11/28/2012 Yu Nagatomi, Yoshikazu Kobayashi, Tetsuo Morikawa
Category:Energy General, Supply and Demand Outlook


Chief Economist
Perspective on the
International Energy Landscape
TANAKA, Kohichiro,
Director of JIME Center