The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

Energy General / Outlook Article List

Energy General / Outlook Report & Material
Search Energy General / Outlook
Overview of Assessment by Power Generation Cost Verification Working Group
11/06/2015 Yuji Matsuo
Category:Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Renewable energy power generation and rural economies
10/28/2015 Akira Yanagisawa
Category:Energy General, Electric Power, New / Renewable Energy
Situation surrounding Small Coal Power Plants
10/27/2015 Kohei Yamagami
Category:Energy General, Environment
Electric Power Industry Sets CO2 Emission Reduction Target for FY2030
10/27/2015 Asamu Ogawa
Category:Energy General, Environment
Enactment of “Act on Improvement of Energy Consumption Performance of Buildings”
10/26/2015 Naoko Doi
Category:Energy General, Environment
Study on How to Build Nuclear Emergency Response Systems in East Asia
10/23/2015 Fumihiro Ochi
Category:Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation


Chief Economist
Perspective on the
International Energy Landscape
TANAKA, Kohichiro,
Director of JIME Center