The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

Energy General / Outlook Article List

Energy General / Outlook Report & Material
Search Energy General / Outlook
Evaluation of the Economics of Renewable Hydrogen Supply in the APEC Region
06/19/2018 Sichao Kan, Yoshiaki Shibata
Category:Energy General, New / Renewable Energy
Analysis on Variation of Nuclear Energy Projections in Long-term Outlooks
06/19/2018 Kei Shimogori, Yuhji Matsuo, Tomoko Ohira, Tomoko Murakami
Category:Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Present Status and Outlook of Coal-fired Power in China
06/19/2018 Yobun Inoue
Category:Energy General, Coal
The Feasibility of “Complete Decarbonization” of Japan’s Power Sector in 2050-a preliminary study
06/19/2018 Yuhji Matsuo, Seiya Endo, Yu Nagatomi, Yoshiaki Shibata, Ryoichi Komiyama, Yasumasa Fujii
Category:Energy General, Electric Power
LNG Review May 2018- Recent issues and events -
06/19/2018 Hiroshi Hashimoto
Category:Energy General, Natural Gas


Chief Economist
Perspective on the
International Energy Landscape
TANAKA, Kohichiro,
Director of JIME Center