The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

Oil / Gas / Coal Article List

Oil / Gas / Coal Report & Material
Search Oil / Gas / Coal
Oil Supply Security Risk and Offset Potential in the APEC Region: An Initial Pespective
02/07/2008 Alica A. Aponte
Category:Energy General, Petroleum
Prospects for the International Oil Market and Crude Oil Prices in 2008 (Report Summary)
01/30/2008 Ken Koyama
Category:Energy General, Petroleum
Has the Steep Rise in Gasoline Price Changed the Consumption Style?
01/25/2008 Akira Yanagisawa
Category:Energy General, Environment, Petroleum
A Survey on Pricing of Asian Marker Crude Oil and Formation of Appropriate Market Prices
01/15/2008 Yasuhiko Nagata, Sanae Kurita, Zhang Yue, Kentaro Shida
Japan-GCC States Interdependence through Energy Security and Investment
12/19/2007 Tsutomu Toichi
Category:Energy General, Petroleum, Natural Gas
Present State and Outlook of China's Coal Industry
12/11/2007 Atsuo Sagawa, Koichi Koizumi
Impact of Changes in Indian Coal Supply/Demand Outlook on International Coal Markets
11/28/2007 Koichi Koizumi, Kiminori Maekawa
Category:Energy General, Coal
An Executive Summary of 'Russian Oil/Gas Development and Its Implications for Japan'
09/26/2007 Ken Koyama, Masataka Osumi, Akihiro Yokochi, Goichi Komori, Tetsuo Morikawa
Category:Petroleum, Natural Gas
Natural Gas and LNG Supply/Demand Trends in Asia Pacific and Atlantic Markets (2006)
09/19/2007 Tetsuo Morikawa
Category:Energy General, Natural Gas, Supply and Demand Outlook


Chief Economist
Perspective on the
International Energy Landscape
TANAKA, Kohichiro,
Director of JIME Center