The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

Oil / Gas / Coal Article List

Oil / Gas / Coal Report & Material
Search Oil / Gas / Coal
Opportunities in Iran Oil and Gas Sector in the Post-Sanction Era
02/22/2016 Fereidun Fesharaki (FGE)
Category:Energy General, Petroleum, Natural Gas
Current Status and Future Prospects of Sino-Russian Gas and Oil Cooperation
02/18/2016 Keun-Wook Paik (OIES)
Category:Energy General, Petroleum, Natural Gas
Outlook for Japanese and Foreign Oil Situations(Summary)
02/02/2016 Yoshikazu KOBAYASHI
Category:Energy General, Petroleum
Is Power to Gas Feasible in Japan?
01/28/2016 Yoshiaki Shibata
Category:Energy General, Natural Gas, New / Renewable Energy
Outlook and Challenges for Japanese and Foreign Gas Situations in 2016 (Summary)
01/28/2016 Tetsuo MORIKAWA
Category:Energy General, Natural Gas


Chief Economist
Perspective on the
International Energy Landscape
TANAKA, Kohichiro,
Director of JIME Center