The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

Electric Power / Nuclear / Smart Grid Article List

Electric Power / Nuclear / Smart Grid Report & Material
Search Electric Power / Nuclear / Smart Grid
Current Status and Future Prospects of Electric Power as Automotive Fuel
12/01/2009 Harumi Hirai, Yuji Matsuo, Hiroshi Uno, Yu Nagatomi
Category:Energy General, Electric Power
The Recent Overview and Prospects of Nuclear Power Policy and Industrial Strategies in the UK, Italy and Sweden
07/10/2009 Tomoko Murakami, Yuji Matsuo, Yu Nagatomi
Category:Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
The Economics of Nuclear Energy
04/28/2009 Kazutomo Irie
Category:Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
An Outlook for Introduction of Nuclear Power Generation in Southeast Asian Countries
10/21/2008 Yuji Matsuo, Seiji Kouno, Tomoko Murakami
Category:Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Impacts on International Energy Market of Unplanned Shutdown of Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station
04/16/2008 Tomoko Murakami, Michihiro Watanabe, Shusaku Sato, Kentaro Shida
Category:Energy General, Environment, Petroleum, Natural Gas, Electric Power, Nuclear Power Generation
China's Natural Gas Industry and Gas to Power Generation
07/24/2007 Chun Chun Ni
Category:Natural Gas, Electric Power
Electricity Liberlization and Reliability
06/09/2006 Kenichi Wada
Category:Electric Power


Chief Economist
Perspective on the
International Energy Landscape
TANAKA, Kohichiro,
Director of JIME Center