The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

Electric Power / Nuclear / Smart Grid Article List

Electric Power / Nuclear / Smart Grid Report & Material
Search Electric Power / Nuclear / Smart Grid
Demographic changes and residential sector energy consumption
07/27/2016 Akira Yanagisawa
Category:Energy General, Petroleum, Natural Gas, Electric Power, Supply and Demand Outlook
Study on the Methodology of Assessing Accident Risk Costs for Nuclear Power Plants
07/05/2016 Yuji Matsuo
Category:Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Electricity Market Reform and its impact on Energy Market in Japan
03/23/2016 Makasazu Toyoda
Category:Energy General, Electric Power
Analysis for Efficient Use of Electricity in Elderly Households
02/12/2016 Momoko Aoshima
Category:Energy General, Electric Power
Outlook and Challenges for Nuclear Power Generation in 2016(Summary)
02/10/2016 Tomoko Murakami
Category:Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
How to Overcome the Two Major Nuclear Issues; Recovery of the Trust from the Public, and Nuclear Waste Management
02/09/2016 Peter Lyons (Former Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy)
Category:Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation
Outlook and Challenges for Electric Utility Industry and Renewable Energy in 2016 (Summary)
01/28/2016 Junichi OGASAWARA
Category:Energy General, Electric Power
The current approaches and issues on the smart community verification projects in Japan
11/17/2015 Naoji Yamamoto
Category:Energy General, Electric Power
Overview of Assessment by Power Generation Cost Verification Working Group
11/06/2015 Yuji Matsuo
Category:Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation


Chief Economist
Perspective on the
International Energy Landscape
TANAKA, Kohichiro,
Director of JIME Center