The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

Electric Power / Nuclear / Smart Grid Article List

Electric Power / Nuclear / Smart Grid Report & Material
Search Electric Power / Nuclear / Smart Grid
Role of carbon dioxide capture and storage in energy systems for net-zero emissions in Japan
01/24/2024 Takashi Otsuki, Yoshiaki Shibata, Yuhji Matsuo, Hideaki Obane, Soichi Morimoto
Category:Energy General, Environment, Electric Power
Energy Outlook of Japan for FY2024
Category:Energy General, Energy Conservation, Environment, Petroleum, Natural Gas, Coal, Electric Power, Nuclear Power Generation, New / Renewable Energy, Supply and Demand Outlook
Considering the Impact on Utility Companies of the Price Ceiling for the Fuel Cost Adjustment System
12/07/2023 Taiju Morimoto
Category:Energy General, Electric Power
Comparison of Ammonia Co-firing and Early Retirement of Coal-fired Power Plant
12/05/2023 Yoshikazu Kobayashi (IEEJ), Yuji Mizuno (IAE)
Category:Energy General, Coal, Electric Power, New / Renewable Energy
Car sharing and EVs
12/04/2023 Mitsuaki Ota
Category:Energy General, Electric Power, New / Renewable Energy
IEA Electricity Grids and Secure Energy Transitions (Presentation materials)
Category:Energy General, Electric Power
Utilization of Nuclear Power - Its Roles and Challenges (Executive Summary)
11/17/2023 Kenji Kimura
Category:Energy General, Nuclear Power Generation


Chief Economist
Perspective on the
International Energy Landscape
TANAKA, Kohichiro,
Director of JIME Center