Symposium on Sustainable Power Supply Mix in the Future

開催日時 : 2015年11月20日(金) 
開催場所 : Novotel Bangkok on Siam Square ホテル
共  催 : 一般財団法人日本エネル ギー経済研究所(IEEJ)、タイ・チュラロンコン大学エネルギー研究所(CU-ERI)
後  援 : 東アジア・アセアン経済研究センター(ERIA)


開会挨拶:Dawan Wiwattanadate, Director, CU-ERI, Thailand
基調講演:在タイ日本国大使館 経済部 公使 内川昭彦

特別講演1:"Thailand’s Energy Policy and Power Development Plan"  
Twarath Sutabutr, Director-General, Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO), Ministry of Energy (MOEN), Thailand  
主旨説明:"The Importance of Power Supply Mix on Energy Security and Sustainable Development"
Yanfei Li, Energy Economist, Energy Unit, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)

セッション1 "Current Situation of Power Policy and Coal Power Generation and Perspectives in ASEAN and East Asia"
Moderator: Weerin Wangjiraniran, Researcher, CU-ERI, Thailand

S1-1:"Coal Power Generation in ASEAN Countries and its Role in Energy Security"
Joni Jupesta, Manager of Policy Research and Analytics Programme, ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE)

S1-2:"Power Policy and National Development Plan in Indonesia"
Jarman, SOE Leader of Indonesia, Director General for Electricity, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR), Indonesia

S1-3: "Power Policy and National Development Plan in Malaysia"
Somasundram Ramasamy, Senior Undersecretary, Energy Division, Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA), Malaysia

S1-4: "Coal Power Generation in India and its Role in Economic Efficiency"
Prosanto Pal, Senior Fellow, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), India

特別講演2: "Clean Technology and Thailand's Coal-fired Power Plant Pollution Control Policy"
Wijarn Simachaya, Director General, Pollution Control Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE), Thailand

セッション2 "Clean Coal Technology – Current Status and Perspectives"
Moderator: Viboon Sricharoenchaikul, Deputy Director, CU-ERI, Thailand

S2-1: "Economic Benefits of Introduction of CCT in the EAS Region"
Phoumin Han, Energy Economist, Energy Unit, ERIA

S2-3: "Achievements and Future Activities in Operation of Clean Coal Technology"
東京電力㈱ フュエル&パワー・カンパニー 火力部 福島復興電源推進センター
機械グループマネージャー 木村篤史

セッション3 "Social Prospects of Power Generation Business"
Moderator: Sopitsuda Tongsopit, Researcher, CU-ERI, Thailand

S3-1:"Public Acceptance on Nuclear and Coal Power in European Countries"
(一財)日本エネルギー経済研究所 戦略研究ユニット 原子力グループマネージャー
研究主幹 村上朋子

S3-2: "Public Concerns on Coal/Nuclear and Risk Communications "
Surichai Wun'geao, Former Director, CU-SRI, Thailand

S3-3: "Public Communication and Public Acceptance on Coal Power Plant"
Veerapon Puangpitayavut, External Relations Director, BLCP Power Station, Thailand
閉会挨拶:(一財)日本エネルギー経済研究所 戦略研究ユニット担任補佐 国際情勢分析第1
グループマネージャー 総括研究主幹 久谷 一朗
