Symposium on Standard and Labeling Policy Development Assistance
on February 10, 2012
Current Situations of Energy Efficiency Standard and Labeling
Policy in Major Countries and International Trends of S&L
Policy Development Assistance |
Welcome remarks(METI:
Mr. Satoshi Miura):What is expected from the S&L policy
development assistance project |
(Session A)
1. Activities of the Energy Efficiency S&L policy development
supporting project
Mr. Hiroki Kudo, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)
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2. Super-efficient
Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) Initiative
Mr. Stephen Pantano, Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards
Program (CLASP)
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3. Brief Introduction
of IEA4E
Mr. Norihiko Ozaki, The Institute of Applied Energy (IAE)
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(Session B: Current
Situation and Challenges in S&L policy development in Asian
4. China: Current Situation and Challenges in S&L Development
in China
Mr. Jianhong Cheng, China National Institute of Standardization
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5. Viet Nam: Energy
Efficiency Standards and Labeling in Vietnam
Mr. Lai Duc Tuan, The Ministry of Industry and Trade
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6. Thailand: Energy
Efficiency S&L: Current Situation and Policy Development
in Thailand
Mrs. Sirinthorn Vongsoasup, The Ministry of Energy
file |
7. Indonesia: Current
situation and challenges in energy efficiency S&L policy
development in Indonesia
Mr. Sudirman Palaloi, Center for Energy Conversion and Conservation
Technology, Agency for the Assesment and Application to Technology
file |
8. India: Energy Efficiency
S &L Policy in India – current situation and challenges
Mr. Girish Sethi, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
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