Asia Energy Forum 2005
- International Energy Security and Regional Cooperation
in Asia -
November 25, 2005 at Keidanren, Tokyo, Japan |
Remarks: Mr. Masahisa Naitoh, Chairman & CEO,
Keynote Speech: Mr. Robert Mabro CBE, President
& Former Director, Oxford Institute for Energy
Studies,UK *speech
Session 1: "Establishment
of Energy Security System in Asia"(Presentation
& Discussion)
This session will focus on the establishment of
an energy security system and regional cooperation
in Asia, taking account of the paradigm shift in
the energy security sector.
Chair: Dr. Tsutomu Toichi, Managing Director, IEEJ
Prof. Han Wenke, Deputy Director-general, Energy
Research Institute, National Development and Reform
Commission, China *presentation
Mr. A. M. Uplenchwar, Director (Pipelines), Indian
Oil Corporation Ltd., India *presentation
Mr. Sakutaro Tanino, Former Ambassador to China
and India, Member of the Board of Directors, Toshiba
Corporation, Japan *speech
Prof. Peter Drysdale, Professor of Economics, Asia
Pacific School of Economics and Government, The
Australian National University, Australia *speech *presentation
Session 2: "Promotion of Mutual Investments
between Oil Producing and Consuming Countries"
(Presentation & Discussion)
It is vital to promote mutual investments between
oil producing and consuming countries to secure
stable oil and natural gas supplies.
In particular, identifying the roles of National
Oil Companies and International Oil Companies and
practical cooperation between them will be spotlighted
in this session
Chair: Mr. Yasuhiro Goto, Senior Staff Writer and
Senior Editorial Staff, Nihon Keizai Shinbun, Inc.,
Mr. Makoto Satani, Representative Director, Executive
Vice President, Nippon Oil Corporation, Japan *presentation
Mr. Adil A. Al-Tubayyeb, Executive Director of Joint
Venture Development & Coordination, Saudi Aramco,
Saudi Arabia *presentation
Datuk Anuar Ahmad, Vice President Oil Business,
Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas), Malaysia *speech *presentation
Dr. Vladimir I. Ivanov, Director of the Research
Division and Senior Economist, The Economic Research
Institute for Northeast Asia, Russia *speech *presentation
Session 3: "Nuclear Power,
New and Renewable Energy Development and Regional
Cooperation in Asia"(Presentation & Discussion)
Nuclear Power, New and Renewable Energy are strongly
expected to become effective measures for reducing
energy dependency outside the Asia region and respond
to global warming.
Participants will discuss specific tasks and methods
in the promotion of nuclear power, new and renewable
energy development and issues facing regional cooperation
in Asia.
Chair: Dr. Taketoshi Taniguchi, Associate Vice President
and Director, Socio-Economic Research Centre, Japan
Prof. Zhang Aling, Management Science and Engineering,
Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology (INET),
Tsinghua University, China *presentation
Mr. Vu Van Thai, Deputy Director-General, International
Cooperation Department, Ministry of Industry, Vietnam *presentation
Mr. Jae Do Moon, Director General, Ministry of Commerce,
Industry & Energy, Korea *presentation
Dr. Tatsujiro Suzuki, Senior Research Fellow, IEEJ *presentation
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