IEEJ Energy Journal Special Issue (Published in February 2021)

FOREWORD Masakazu Toyoda

1. Is It Possible to Fully Decarbonize the Global Supply of Energy by 2050?

Opportunities in the U.S. and Japan to Decarbonize Energy Supplies by 2050:
Roles for Renewable and Nuclear Energy
Peter B. Lyons

Decarbonization by 2050: Looking Back to Look Ahead
Kenneth B Medlock III

Climate Scenarios are Off Track
Roger Pielke Jr.

Is It Possible to Fully Decarbonize the Global Supply of Energy by 2050?
The Role of Energy Efficiency, Renewables and Nuclear Power
Gerry Thomas

Is It Possible to Achieve Global-Scale Net-Zero Emissions by 2050?
Mitsutsune Yamaguchi

What is Energy in the Age of Zero Emissions?
Yukari Yamashita

2. Is Hydrocarbon the Enemy or Ally to Climate Change Countermeasures?

Is Hydrocarbon the Enemy or Ally to Climate Change Countermeasures?
-What Should We Consider When Measures to Achieve Zero Emission Status are Key Factors?-
Hiroki Kudo

Is Hydrocarbon the Enemy or Ally to Climate Change Countermeasures?
〜Unexpected Innovative Value of Fossil Fuels〜
Joan MacNaughton

The Role of Hydrocarbons in the European Energy Transition:Policies and Financing in the Wake of Coronavirus
Jonathan Stern

The Enduring Role of Hydrocarbons for Climate Change Measures
Wim Thomas

3. What can Stabilize the Middle East Region; Military Power or Soft Power?

Global Landscape Surrounding Peace in the Middle East: Past, Present, and Future
Ken Koyama

Middle East Stability and the Role of Japan
Shuji Hosaka

What Can Stabilize the Middle East Region; Military Power or Soft Power
Tatiana Mitrova

Covid-19, Oil and Stability in the Middle East
Paul Stevens

Decarbonization and Energy Geopolitics
Nobuo Tanaka