Asia Energy Forum 2004
- Asia's Energy Security and Regional Cooperation -
September 28, 2004 at Keidanren, Tokyo, Japan |
Opening Remarks: Mr. Masahisa Naitoh, Chairman & CEO, IEEJ
Keynote Speech: Dr. Ian Bremmer, President, Eurasia Group, USA *minutes
Session 1: “Energy Issues in Northeast Asia and Regional Cooperation”
Chair: Dr. Tsutomu Toichi, Managing Director, IEEJ
Mr. Zhou Dadi, Director General, Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission, China *presentation file
Dr. Ji-Chul Ryu, Director, Education and Research Promotion Division, Korea Energy *presentation file *minutes
Mr. Armen Safaryan, Head of department of the Center for Strategic Energy Research and Geopolitics of the International Institute for Energy Policy and Diplomacy of MGIMO-University, Russia *speech *minutes
Professor Satoshi Morimoto, Faculty of International Development, Takushoku University *minutes
Keynote Speech: Mr. Minoru Tamba,
Former Ambassador to Russia & Previous Ambassador to Saudi Arabia *speech
Session 2: “Asia’s Oil Supply and Demand and Energy Security”
Chair: Mr. Yasuhiro Goto, Senior Staff Writer and Senior Editorial Staff, Nihon Keizai Shinbun, Inc., Japan
Dr. Ahmad AL-Ghamdi, Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Petroleum & Minerals Resources, Saudi Arabia *minutes
Dr. Hojjatollah Ghanimifard, Senior Executive, National Iranian Oil Company, Iran *speech *minutes
Ms. Preety Bhandari, Director, Policy Analysis Division, Tata Energy and Resources Institute, India *presentation file *minutes
Mr. Haruyuki Niimi, Chairman, Representative Director, Showa Shell Sekiyu K.K., Japan *presentation file
Session 3: “New Developments in Asia’s Natural Gas Market and Policy Issues”
Chair: Mr. Kensuke Kanekiyo, Managing Director, IEEJ
Mr. Peter de Wit, President Asia, Member of Executive Committee, Shell Gas & Power, Singapore *speech *minutes
Datuk Abdul Rahim Hashim, Vice President, Gas Business, Petronas, Malaysia *presentation file *minutes
Mr. Jianhong Yang, Manager of Marketing Department, Petrochina Planning and Engineering Institute, China *presentation file
Mr.Yasuo Ryoki, Acting Head of Energy Resources Business Unit, Osaka Gas Co., Japan |