

Senior Researcher, JIME Center, IEEJ

Specialty:The Arab Gulf politics, security, and social affairs.

2011 Ph.D. in Area Studies, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University
December 2010 JIME Center, IEEJ

Reseach Papers

< Reseach Papers >

  • Koji Horinuki 2019. “International Labor Migration and the Arab Gulf States: Trends, Institutions, and Relations,” in Ishii et al. eds. Asian Migrant Workers in the Arab Gulf States: The Growing Foreign Population and Their Lives. Leiden: Brill., pp. 23-52.
  • Matsuo, Masaki, Naomi Hosoda, Koji Horinuki, and Masako Ishii. 2019. “Socioeconomic Spaces and Migrants’ Lives in the Arab Gulf States,” in Ishii et al. eds. Asian Migrant Workers in the Arab Gulf States: The Growing Foreign Population and Their Lives. Leiden: Brill., pp. 1-20.
  • Matsuo, Masaki, and Koji Horinuki 2019. “What are the Arab Gulf States?,” in Ishii et al. eds. Asian Migrant Workers in the Arab Gulf States: The Growing Foreign Population and Their Lives. Leiden: Brill., pp. 73-76.
  • Koji Horinuki 2019. “Promoting Diversity, Branding the State: Migrant-Friendly Discourses in the United Arab Emirates,” in Kwen Fee Lian, Naomi Hosoda, and Masako Ishii eds. International Labour Migration in the Middle East and Asia: Issues of Inclusion and Exclusion, Springer, pp. 97-114.
  • Tsujigami, Namie and Koji Horinuki. 2015. “Japan in the Gulf: Between Intra-Bureaucratic Politics and Inter-Asian Rivalry,” in Anoushiravan Ehteshami and Yukiko Miyagi eds. The Emerging Middle East-East Asia Nexus. London and New York: Routledge., pp.85-93.

< PhD Thesis >

< Peer Reviewed Paper >

  • Koji Horinuki 2011. “Controversies over Labour Naturalisation Policy and its Dilemmas: 40 Years of Emiratisation in the United Arab Emirates”, Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies. Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University, 4(1&2): 41-61.
  • Koji Horinuki 2011. “Administrative Reform and the Globalisation Strategy in Dubai: A Study of Double-Edged Development from 1990 to 2009”, Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies, 26(2): 1-32.



  • Koji Horinuki 2017. “Japan-UAE Relations: A Study on the Energy Resource Strategy and the Multi-layered Bilateral Relationship,” 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Association for Middle East Studies 2017, at Kyushu University, 13-14 May, 2017.
  • Koji Horinuki 2014. “Social Welfare and Housing Policy in the UAE: the Future of Allocation States, ” WOCMES (Session 174: Socio-Political Changes and Future Prospects in the Gulf II: from the Perspectives of Class, Ethnicity, and Gender), Middle East Technical University at Turkey, August 18-22.
  • Koji Horinuki 2013. “An Independency in a State of Dependency: Socio-Economic Challenges and Politics in the Northern Emirates of the UAE,” 29th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association for Middle East Studies, at Osaka University, 11-12 May, 2013.
  • Koji Horinuki 2010. “The Dynamics of Human Flow, Control, and Problems in the UAE: The Relationship between Labour-Sending and Receiving Countries”, The 2010 Exeter Gulf Studies Conference, University of Exeter at United Kingdom, 30 June – 3 July.
  • Koji Horinuki 2009. “National Development and the Institutional Transition of Expatriate Policy in the United Arab Emirates”, Fifth Annual BRISMES Graduate Conference, University of Exeter at United Kingdom, September 3-4.

Activity on Committee etc.

  • Japan Association for Middle East Studies
  • Japan Association for Comparative Politics
  • The Japan Association of International Relations

