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238 : 211 - 220

Title Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions: A Looming Crisis For the Oil Market
Author Robert McNally
Publish IEEJ Energy Seminar (3/28/2012), HP (4/25/2012)
Category Energy General, Petroleum, New / Renewable Energy
Title IEA Prospective on Deploying Renewables -Best and Future Policy Practice-
Author Paolo Frankl
Publish IEEJ Energy Seminar (3/7/2012), HP (4/4/2012)
Category Energy General, Energy Conservation, New / Renewable Energy
Title The FIT System in Europe and Information about the Cost for Companies and Measures to Reduce the Cost Primarily Concerning Germany
Author Yoko Ito
Publish HP (2/1/2012)
Category Energy General, New / Renewable Energy
Title How We can Strengthen India/Japan Technological Cooperation in the Energy & Environmental Area?
Author Masakazu Toyoda
Publish Symposium (11/30/2010), HP (2/1/2011)
Category Energy General, Energy Conservation, New / Renewable Energy
Title New Buyback Program for Photovoltaic Generation: Issues in the view of Electric Utilities Industry Policy
Author Yoko Ito
Publish HP (5/13/2010)
Category Energy General, Electric Power, New / Renewable Energy
Title Chinese Photovoltaic Market and Industry Outlook (Part 1)
Author Kan Sichao
Publish HP (4/21/2010)
Category Energy General, New / Renewable Energy
Title IRENA: Targets, Activities and Cooperation with Japan
Publish IEEJ Energy Seminar (2/18/2010), HP (3/24/2010)
Category Energy General, New / Renewable Energy
Title The 24th IEEJ Energy Seminar - Renewable Energy Strategy of International Organizations and Japanese Role -
Author Ms. Hélène Pelosse, Mr. Jun Tian
Category Energy General, New / Renewable Energy
Title ADB's Renewable Energy Development Programs
Publish IEEJ Energy Seminar (2/18/2010), HP (3/24/2010)
Category Energy General, New / Renewable Energy
Title India's Energy Situation and Trends in New/Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Policies
Author Ichiro Kutani, Toshiharu Yagi, Mitsuru Motokura
Publish Seminar (9/14/2009), HP (11/11/2009)
Category Energy General, New / Renewable Energy