The 15th IEEJ Energy Seminar

July 7, 2008


Lecture① “Indicator Work at IEA in Support of the G8 Gleneagles Plan of Action
               - Its Implication and the Way Forward -”
                Yukari Yamashita
                     Senior Economist, Director
                     Global Environment and Sustainable Development Unit, IEEJ


Lecture② ”Energy Technology Perspectives 2008“
       Scenarios and Strategies to 2050

                Dr. Peter G. Taylor,
                     IEA G8 Energy Indicators Co-ordinator and Acting Head,
                     Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA


Lecture③ “Worldwide Trends in Energy User and Efficiency
              - Key Insights from IEA Indicator Analysis -”

                Dr. Peter G. Taylor,
                     IEA G8 Energy Indicators Co-ordinator and Acting Head,
                     Technology Policy Division, IEA